Part Twenty Four

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"I don't think we have anything to talk about, Steve." You could barely say with your shaky voice.

Steve got up from the couch and took a step towards you, which made you take a step back. "Please, Y/N." He noticed you were frightened, so he stopped walking, now being only a few steps away from you. "We have to talk."

You swallowed your own spit, gulping. You made your way around him and sat down on one couch, before gesturing to Steve to sit on the one across. He did as you asked, and looked at you, slightly smiling to himself. You looked much healthier now. His eyes wandered down from your face and noticed just the amount of gold jewellery on you. You also wore clothes that showed off your figure more. He didn't even want to think of how much the clothes on you were worth.

"So, talk." You said, holding your head high.

Steve nodded, moving forward on the couch while clasping his hands together on top of his thighs. "First off, I wanted to apologize."

"What for?"

"Everything. And I mean everything. Just looking back at my wrongdoings now makes me wonder how I even became like that. Those few days I was away from everybody made me realize what I was doing. I... I couldn't believe myself, I was so angry. Which is why I decided to apologize to... well, everybody. I started off with Natasha. She's accepted my apology, and I'm hoping you can do the same, because I'm genuinely sorry."

"Steve... " You sighed. "This is all so sudden. I can't just forgive you just because, suddenly, you apologized for everything. I need time."

Steve nodded his head. "Of course. I understand. I'd do the same."

You looked at him for a few moments."What about Tony? Are you going to apologize to him, too?"

"Yes, actually." Steve replied. "I did him so much wrong, too. Besides that, I have to show him something."

Your eyebrows furrowed. "What?"

"The secret I told you about. It also involves my best friend, Bucky. I told you about him."

"You found him?" You asked, and Steve nodded.

"And now we both need to talk to Tony."Steve said. "Friday, where is Tony?"

"Mr. Stark has just finished his meeting and is now in the lab. Do you need me to contact him?"

"No need, Friday. I will go and see him."

You watched as he got up and looked at you one more time. "I really am sorry, Y/N. If we don't see each other again, I want you to know that."

"Why wouldn't I see you again?" Not that you were complaining, you thought.

"This secret can make Tony kick me out of the team. So, I want you to know that."

You nodded and Steve walked away.

You tried to go back to folding your clothes, trying to act careless, but you couldn't help but wonder what was going on.

A long time passed since Steve had spoken to you in the living room. You finished with your closet and were catching up on paperwork when the door opened and Wanda walked inside.

"Hey you." She said and you smiled at her.

"Hey, Wan."

"How are you? Heard you had a little talk with Steve." She sat down next to you on the bed.

"How do you know that?"

"Nat told me. He talked to her, too."

"Yeah." You nodded.

"So, how did it go? What did he want? Did he complain about Tony?"

"No, actually." You looked at Wanda."He changed. I think he did, at least. How much can you change in just a few days, anyway?"

"Right, Natasha told me about that, too. I didn't believe her at first. I heard there was some sort of commotion down at the lab. Something happened. Sam and Rhodey went there an hour ago."

You looked up at her, the last sentences catching your attention."What do you mean? Do you know what happened?"

"No, nobody told us what it was about. Why?"

"Because Tony's down at the lab with Steve." You said, which made Wanda's eyes widen in realization.

"Do you think...?"

"Should we go and check?" You asked, but Wanda quickly shook her head.

"If it was something serious Friday would call all of us. I'm more interested in you."

You raised an eyebrow in surprise."Me? Why? What's so interesting about me?"

"The way you got worried about your boyfriend. You love him."

"Love?" You chuckled at her."Wanda-"

"No, how would you feel if I told you Steve beat him up and he's in the medical wing now?"Wanda asked, her face remaining serious.

You couldn't see if she was telling the truth, and it scared you. Your heart started to beat faster and you sat up a little in bed. "Wanda, don't joke about stuff like this. Are you serious?"

Her expression cracked, allowing a grin to slip through. "So you do love him."

You looked at her in question.

"I was joking, relax. No one is hurt. This was just to prove my point. You love him, admit it."

"Okay, I do but-"

She gasped and took your hand."I knew it!"

"Miss Maximoff, Miss Y/L/N, you have been asked to join the rest of the team in the meeting room."You both got interrupted by Friday.

You and Wanda exchanged looks."What is this about?"

"Mr. Stark has news for you." Friday replied. "Concerning the whole team. He said Mr. Rogers also has some confessions to make."

"We'll be there, then. Thank you, Friday." You said before Wanda and you made your way to the meeting room.

As soon as you walked in, you saw Tony inside, with Steve and another boy by his side. The boy had dark hair and it was long, resting in a bun on the back of his head. He looked tired and his eyes were red. He also had a bruise that was just starting to form on his eye.

Steve looked sad, too, but you couldn't pay any attention to him when you saw tears in Tony's eyes. You quickly made your way around Natasha, Sam and Rhodey, who arrived to the room before you, and towards Tony.

You took his face in your hands and looked him over. "Tony? What happened?"

"All fine, angel."He replied, taking your hand in his and placing a kiss on the inside of your palm. "We're gonna be okay."

As the rest of the team appeared, Tony looked down at you and kissed your forehead before whispering. "We'll talk later. I'll tell you everything."

You nodded before making your way back to the table. You sat next to Natasha, who noticed you looking sad as well. She placed her hand on your thigh and lightly squeezed it. You looked at her and she offered you a smile as Tony began to talk.

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