Part Eight

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That same day, you were at the lab, cleaning some of the stuff Tony left behind. He was off... somewhere. You didn't know where, but he took Rhodey too. You were focused on your work, trying to put everything together and make a better space for Tony to work in when the door opened and the tall, blonde super soldier walked inside.

You raised your head to see who it was, and you froze in your place. You gulped as you tried to get your body to move again, but it wasn't listening to you.

"Y/N." He said as he walked inside and went to approach you.

"Wh -" Your voice was shaky and you started to back away as he got closer."What are you doing here?"

"I didn't see you the whole day."

"I'm busy." You tried to sound confident.

"I know. But we still have to talk."

"Talk?" You asked. "Fine, let's talk."

"I have to admit something to you."He said, now standing in front of you." I hate myself for it, but I can't stop thinking about it."

"What is it?" You asked.

"That other night, I... I cheated on you with Nat." You stood frozen in place, again.

You remembered Tony's words from this morning, and you closed your eyes breathing out when you realized he was right about everything.

When you opened your eyes, you saw Steve, waiting to get a reaction from you.

"That makes this much easier then, Steve. We need to break up." You said, making the super soldier angry.

"Break up? Break up?!" He repeated, towering above you and invading your space. "Why? So you can run to Stark's arms, huh?"

"What? No!" You said when he grabbed you by your elbow. "You cheated on me, hit me and what not! I don't deserve this!"

"Just try to break up with me and there will be consenquences."

"Let go of me, you're hurting me!" You tried to get him to let go of your hand, but you were no match for the super soldier's strength.

"I know how much you depend on Stark now. If you just think about breaking up with me, I'll make your life a hell." He said, getting in your face. "I know a secret that would kill Stark. Both, me and Nat do. Now, if I told him you knew it as well, my guess is he wouldn't find it hard to believe. He'd fire you on the spot and throw you out on the street."

"What secret?"

"You don't have to actually know now, do you?" Steve asked. "I don't trust you to not tell him. Just remember: if you break up with me, I'll make you go through hell. Understand?" He asked and you stayed quiet. He lightly slapped your cheek. "I asked do you understand?"

"Yes!" You quickly said.

"That's a good girl."

The night of the party, you walked inside with Steve by your side. Tony was sitting by the bar and his face dropped when the two of you entered.

Your gaze met his and your lips parted when you saw his disappointed face. You went to approach him, but Steve tightly grabbed onto your arm, making you gasp.

Tony downed the rest of his drink before he moved towards the exit, brushing against you as he left.

You pushed Steve away, quickly following after Tony.

"Tony!" You called out, but he pretended to not hear you as he entered his lab. You quickly followed inside after typing in the code. "Tony."

"What, Y/N?" He snapped at you.

"Why did you do that?" You asked as you started to approach him.

"Why did I do that? Really, Y/N? You're really still with him after everything he did to you?"

"It's not my choice, okay?" You finally snapped. "I never wanted this!"

"You're a bad liar, you know?" He asked.

"I'm not lying!"

"Yes, you are!" Tony said as he turned to look at you, your faces only inches apart. "God, I can't believe this."

You two just stared at each other for a few moments before Tony snapped and he approached you, grabbing the back of your neck as he pulled you in for a kiss. You kissed him back without hesitation this time, making him wrap his hands around your waist as he lifted you to sit on top of the table in the lab, and he stood between your legs, the kiss growing intense now.

You gasped for breath when he started to kiss along your neck, making you whimper under him.

"Tell me you're not still in love with him." He murmured against your skin.

You grabbed the sides of his face and made him look at you. "I don't love him. Those feelings for him are long gone."

"That's exactly what I wanted to hear." Tony said as he pulled you into a kiss.

"Hey- OH MY GOD!" You recognized Wanda's voice and you quickly pulled apart. You jumped off the counter and fixed your dress. "What the hell did I walk into?"

"Please don't tell Steve." You said quickly, while Tony gave Wanda a look.

"I - I won't, I guess? I know how he treated you, but please keep this at low. Someone else could've walked in. And everybody is asking for Tony, by the way. Just so you know."

"We'll be right back!" Tony said and Wanda left the lab.

You turned towards Tony, who immediately knew what you were going to say. "I won't mention this to anybody. You should leave first, I'll come back in a few minutes." He said and you nodded.

"I'll see you at the party." You said before fixing your dress and leaving the lab.

As soon as you walked back into the room, you were approached by Steve, who gave you a drink. You took it from his hand and looked around the room. You met Wanda's gaze and she blushed before looking away.

"You came back." He said.

"I didn't find him." You lied as you looked at the wall in front of you.

A few minutes later, Tony came into the room and he gave you a wink when Steve wasn't watching, making your face burn in embarrassment. He smirked before he approached the bar again.

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