Chapter 1

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I look out my window as uncle Wyatt drives me to school along with he's kids, my cousins. Neither of my parents could drive me, but it's whatever. I don't really care whether they drive me or not, it's just to school, no big deal.

Uncle Wyatt pulls up to the drop off line, where all the other parents are dropping off their kids. "Have a good day you guys!" Alan and Nolan say bye to their dad and hope out of the car.

"Uncle Wyatt, are you gonna pick me up too?" I ask, just wondering who's car I should be looking out for.

"I'm not actually sure. I think Chris might be picking you up and taking you back to his house."

I nod, "Ok, just text I guess."

"Have a good day sweetie."

I smile excessively at uncle Wyatt and jump out of his car, walking into the tortious building known as Rising Sun High School. The kids at this school are really too much, it's literally like every single high school in all the cheesy movies.

I run a hand down my face, taking a deep breath and walk into the building. I didn't sleep too well last night, so I'm not at all looking forward to the craziness that is high school.

"Hey cuzzy!!" My cousin Katlyn says walking up to me giving me a hug. "Look at us, juniors. We finally get to leave campus for lunch if we want!"

"Yeah, except neither of us can drive." I say rolling my eyes.

"I'll just bug Mark and get him to drive us and Kaylie." Katlyn says as if it's the most obvious thing.

"Yeah ok. Good luck, we both know Mark's just going to say no."

"Hey! He may be a jerk, but he is my brother. He'll drive us if I ask him, he's cool like that."

I scoff at Katlyn. I highly doubt Mark will drive us, but whatever. "Ok, if you say so."

"Hey girlies! Can you believe it? Juniors!" Kaylie says walking up to us.

"I know, I just said the same thing! It's crazy!" Katlyn says happily.

"Zoe, girl why aren't you as excited as us?" Kaylie, my other cousin, asks.

I shrug. "Eh, we still have all of senior year before anything really happens."

"Such a buzzkill Zoey." Katlyn says rolling her eyes, but it's clear she's joking.

"Ok ok, moving on, what's y'all's schedules? I hope we have classes together!" Kaylie says hoping from foot to foot.

"Kay, chill out. You always get way too excited. We've literally all had at least one class together since second grade, calm down." Katlyn says.

"Sometimes I wonder why our parents decided to have all their kids at the same time, like it gets seriously confusing sometimes. Not to mention explaining it to people." Kaylie suddenly says.

I just shrug. "At least we all have built in best friends."

"Ok, good point." Kaylie agrees. "Still confusing though."

"Ah!! We all have geometry together!" Katlyn says, guess she went through our schedules while Kaylie and I were talking.

"Cool, anything else?" I ask.

"Um... I have chemistry with Kaylie, and we both have lunch together as well."

"That's it?!" Kaylie asks taking a look at the schedules. "Zoey why did you take biology? We could've had lunch together if you didn't!"

"I dunno, my guidance counselor mainly picked out my classes. All I picked was Spanish."

"That's ok though. At least we have geometry together!" Katlyn says.

"I guess that's find. I'll miss you cuz." Kaylie says pouting.

I roll my eyes. "I'll miss you too. Know if you'll excuse me, I'd like to find my locker."

I walk off, waving to the girls over my shoulder. I'll see them third period for geometry. As I'm walking, I pass by Nolan, and he waved so I wave back. I come to my locker, and realize it's so far away from my first class. Great.

After dumping my unnecessary textbooks into the locker, I start walking to my Western Civilization history class. Though all us students just call it Western Civ, it's easier and quicker to say.

I walk into the classroom, after seeing the seating chart. I've heard that Ms. Dowell is known for her crazy seating charts. I've never had her for a teacher, but hopefully she's ok.

My assigned seat is a row from the very back, and right by the window. Not bad I guess, I still have a clear view of the whiteboard, so I could be worse.

I slouch in my seat, my eyes lazily trained on my phone screen. Just causally scrolling through social media trying to keep myself awake.

"Oh my gosh, did you hear about the hot gos?" I hear some random pick me girl whisper to her pick me girl friend, quite loud for a whisper.

"No! Spill!" The random girl's friend asks, also whispering too loud for an actual whisper.

"There's this really hot new kid, and he's single!"

"Oh my goodness! Is he straight?!"

"Oh definitely! But I called dibs on him!"

I roll my eyes, calling dibs on a guy? What are these kids? Five? Gosh grow up.

I tune out their conversation and go back to mindlessly scrolling through social media. That is until I hear ear shattering giggling.

"Heyyyy." I hear some girl giggle out, trying to be all cute. I roll my eyes. Not even glancing up from my phone. Can't class just start already?

I sense someone sitting next to me, but I ignore them. Just because someone sits next to you, doesn't mean you have to talk to each other. The classroom slowly fills up, and soon enough class starts. Good, I need my mind to be occupied. Not that anything of importance happens on the first day.

After class, I get out of my seat, I didn't even need my notebook of anything. We literally did nothing of importance as I knew.

I'm making my way out of the classroom, when some dumb jerk sticks their foot out, making me trip over their foot. I'm not able to catch myself, and I tumble to the floor. I hear several snickers, but I ignore it and get up.

"Zoey, are you alright?" Ms. Dowell asks.

I nod. "Yeah, I just lost my footing." I lie. Lifting my chin up I leave the classroom, moving on with life. So what if some jerk tripped me? I literally could care less about it.

Hi tic tacs! What are your thoughts on the first chapter? And just for reference, this book starts about 6 months after Not So Perfect. Have a great day/night<3

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