Chapter 51

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I decided that after Kaylie stopped being a jerk, I might as well unblock everyone I have blocked. So I did. Ethan was the first to notice, because he immediately FaceTimed me.

"Sunflower!!! You unblocked me!!" He yells happily.

"Yep." I say absentmindedly.

"Why are you packing? Are you leaving your uncles place? Shit, are you running away?!"

"What?! No!" I shake my head chuckling a bit. Ethan is such a dork.

"Oh. Then why are you packing?"

"I'm spending the weekend at my parents place." I say shrugging. I mean, I haven't talked to either of them about it yet, I planned to just show up and say I'm staying for the weekend. What are they going to do? Say no to their daughter? Probably not. Plus, I promised dad I'd be making more of an effort to be more involved. So this is me keeping my word....... And also I really feel like uncle Noah's getting annoyed with me.

"Oh, sweet. Maybe I could come hang with you this weekend?"

"Ethan, I'm going to your house later today for Vance's birthday party." I say rolling my eyes.

"Yes, but then I have all of Saturday and Sunday to not see you. Oh, and not to mention I won't be at school until lunch Monday."

"What? Why?" I ask, Ethan never skips school, unless it's with me. I think I have a bad influence on him.

"Oh, nothing to serious. Just a doctors appointment. My ADHD meds aren't working anymore. Apparently it's possible to build up a tolerance to them. Or at least I can, some weird gene I get from my dad."

"Then I guess you could probably come hang out Saturday. Maybe Sunday too."

"Ok sweet!" Ethan says grinning.

I zip up my suitcase, then pause. "Shit, how am I going to fit this on my bike?"

"I can drive you sunflower." Ethan says smiling at me.

I shrug. "Cool. I wanted to go to their place after the party."

"Well, the party starts on half an hour, so I could pick you up now, get us coffee, then go back to my place."

"Ok radical." I say nodding to myself.

"What is it with your family and saying radical? Like not even rad, why radical?" Ethan says after a minute.

"Uncle Wyatt started it back in the day, when they were like our age, and it's been passed on through the generations."

"Cool, or should I say radical."

I roll my eyes. "Just hurry up and get over here dork." And then I lovingly hang up on Ethan.

Ethan gets here in about five minutes, and I toss my suitcase in the trunk and Ethan gets out coming to me.


I look at his hand, seeing he has something in his hand. I blink, giving his hand a skeptical look. Why does he want me to shake his hand?

"Why? And what's in your hand? Is it one of the prank taser things?"

"No. I would do something like that to you. I love you remember? I don't want to hurt you."

I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear, swallowing the lump in my throat. Ethan keeps saying he loves me, and it does things to me a don't want it to. I need to be in a good place with my family before I can be in a relationship. I know it's not fair to Ethan, but it's even more not fair to date him when I'm constantly stressed, overwhelmed, and on edge. He deserves me at my best, even if he'll love me at my worst.

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