Chapter 15

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A/n: I will put all the translations at the end, so no need to look it up:)

"Hey sunflower!" Ethan says walking into the Spanish class we share. "Or should I say hola."

"How about you don't say anything?"

I know I'm being unnecessarily mean to Ethan, but if he gets to annoy me by calling me sunflower, I get to be annoying to him back. Plus I'm tired. I wasn't able to fall back asleep last night, so I'm still sleep deprived.

"Psh no necesito."

"Yes. Shut up Ethan. You're annoying." Yet a smile makes its way onto my face without asking permission. Stupid smile.

Ethan grins seeing he made me smile. I however roll my eyes, that kid should grow up.

"Tú eres una niña?"

"Ethan, that's literally basic Spanish. Of course I'm a girl. Tú eres un niño?"

"Give me a second, my Spanish isn't that great." Ethan says, but it's clear he already knows what I'm saying. "Oh! Yes, I'm a boy. Duh."

"Tú bebes leche?"

"Sí, yo bebo leche. Tú comes manzanas?" Ethan seemed to struggle a bit with that sentence.

"Sí, yo como manzanas. Tú comes pan, tú bebes agua?" Maybe my Spanish skills will confuse Ethan.

"I appreciate you two speaking Spanish, but I am in the middle of a lecture." Our Spanish teacher, Mr. Lawler says, giving the both of us a look.

"Lo siento. Continúa, por favor." I say smiling sheepishly at our teacher. Thankfully saying that in Spanish made him no longer upset with us.

I ignore Ethan the rest of Spanish class, well until our teacher tells us about our semester project. We're required to work in groups of three, but there wasn't a big enough number of people, because once people immediately paired up, Ethan and I were the only ones left without a group.

"Looks like you two will be working together then." Mr. Lawler says shrugging.

I groan, making Ethan shoot me a look. "I'm not a bad partner, you know."

"I know, but we'll need to meet outside of school to work on this."

"So?" Ethan says shrugging. "We're friends now, it's normal to hang out outside of school."

I grumble to myself because Ethan's right. Sadly.

Once class finishes, I pack up my stuff seeing Ethan still waiting for me, like he's done all day.

"Mind if I sit with you while I wait to be picked up?" Ethan asks as we walk towards my locker.

I shrug. "Sure why not?"

I grab all the things I'll need over the weekend and start walking towards the exit. "Oh, do you need to stop by your locker?" I ask Ethan realizing he's been with me this whole time.

"Eh, not really."

I shrug. "Ok."

We both head out to the C Ceat, seeing all my cousins sitting around it. I take my usual spot on one of the ends, and Ethan sits next to me.

"Zoey, who's your friend?" Katlyn asks, wiggling her eyebrows, only to be smacked on the back of the head by Kaylie.

"That's the dude that yells bye to her everyday Katlyn. Are you stupid?"

"Kaylie that was mean, you should apologize." Katlyn says crossing her arms.

"Psh, I was not mean. Mark was I mean?"

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