Chapter 14| Ethan's POV

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I walk into Western Civ, seeing someone slouching in their seat their eyes closed. I roll my eyes, someone should've gotten more sleep last night.

I wave to my favorite teacher, Ms. Dowell, aka my sister. But no one knows, and I honestly don't bother her much in school.

I go sit in my seat, and look over to Zoey. She hasn't noticed me yet, or doesn't care that I'm here. Probably the latter because that seems more like Zoey. Sure, I've known this kid for what? Four soon to be five days. Yet that's enough time for me to feel like never letting her go. No, I'm not in love with her.... At least not at this moment. But I do feel this weird attraction to her. I like everything about her, her personality is one of my favorite things about her. I definitely like her, which is weird to me because I've never ever developed such a strong crush on someone in my life. But I can't let this girl go, I always want to talk to her, which is funny because I hardly know her.

"Wanna hear a joke?" I ask. I know my jokes are terrible, but I live for making people who seem not happy at the moment smile. When someone who doesn't look happy smiles it makes my heart warm. It makes me feel like I helped them temporarily forget what was bothering them.

"No." Usually people say yes to hearing a joke. Zoey's the first person to ever refuse my jokes. Oh well, because I'm persistent.

"Please? I swear this one's a good one." No it's not. That's a complete and utter lie. It's a terrible joke.


"Please! Only one joke. Please." I beg. I want Zoey to smile, I haven't seen her smile in several days, it hurts knowing she's probably unhappy and I can't do anything to make her happy. Unhappy people make me feel like crying.

"Fine." She grumbles.

I however grin. "Ok what building has the most stories?"

This is where the person goes, "I don't know, what?" But Zoey is no ordinary person, because she just stays silent.

"Come on, at least guess once?" I beg.

"I already know what it is." She says sighing.

"Psh, I think not. Come on, prove me right."

"It's a library Ethan. Your jokes are unoriginal and lame." She says not even opening her eyes.

"No! It wasn't a library." I lie. She totally got it right.

"You're a bad liar Ethan."

"Fine whatever." I grumble, glaring at Zoey. She's no fun, which is oddly fun in a way. She makes you think differently.

Zoey sits up when class starts, but towards the end she's stopped taking notes and is staring off into the distance. Geez, this girl needs some laughter in her life. Which is exactly why I'm here!

The bell rings, so I pack up my things and follow behind Zoey.

"Hey Zoey, I've given it some thought, and I think we've now entered the friendship realm. Acquaintances don't talk to each other everyday or Snapchat each other or video chat at the early hours of the morning."

"Fine whatever. We can be friends." She says and continues walking.

"Well then since I'm your friend, I'll walk you to your class."

"You mean the class we both have?"

"You mean the class I'm walking you to?"

"You're such a dork Ethan."

I shrug. "Being a dork is dope."

Zoey smiles softly and shakes her head. "Who even says dope anymore?"

I grin at the fact I got Zoey to smile. Making people happy makes me happy.

"I do darling."

"Ew. Don't call me darling." Zoey says frowning. "It's weird and gross."

"Then what's a good nickname for you? We are friends after all." I just really want a reason to call Zoey sunflower. Why? I don't know. Maybe because the first time I saw her she had on a shirt with a sunflower on it. Eh, I still like the nickname sunflower though. Sunflowers are beautiful flowers, and she's beautiful.

"Nicknames are stupid."

I gasp. "Did you just say nicknames are stupid?! How could you?"

"Ethan, it's like 8 in the morning, tone it down."

"Psh, I've been up since like..." how long have I been up for? "Since 8pm."

"Oh, are you the type of people that go crazy when they're tired? If so, please go bug someone else."

"I'm good. Bugging you is fun." I say grinning. It's true, bugging Zoey is fun. And also she's the only friend I've made so far. Granted I've only been here less then a week.

"Why are we friends again?" Zoey asks sitting down at her desk, so I take the one next to her. I usually don't sit next to Zoey in this class, because she's usually annoyed with me by the time Western Civ is over, but now that we're friends I should sit next to her. Plus I want an excuse to sit next to her.

"I don't know." I say shrugging.

"What about sunflower? That's a good nickname." I say after a minute.

"No." Zoey says simply.

Sucks for her because I'm still going to call her sunflower.

"What do you want to call me?" I ask, but before she answers class starts. Dang, no fair.

Oh well, I still have P.E. with her, then lunch and Spanish. And I guess if I really wanted to I could always hang with Zoey and her friends on the C Ceat as they wait to get picked up. Since I'm her friend now.

This will be fun, and I have so much more time to make Zoey happy now that we're officially friends.

Hey tic tacs!

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