Chapter 16

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I stayed with dad the whole weekend. Did anyone ever text asking about me? No. So I've officially been forgotten. Or no one cares enough to find out where I've gone. Oh well, I don't care anyway. At least dad cares....... I think. Of course he does.

"Hey sunflower!" Ethan says happily. "How was your weekend?"

"My weekend was just fine." I grumble forcefully plopping into my seat. Not like getting completely forgotten by my family wasn't fun. That was the highlight of my weekend.

"Wanna hear a joke?"

"No, I don't want to hear one of your stupid jokes." I snap harshly. I sigh, feeling bad I just snapped at him. "I'm sorry I snapped at you." I whisper a second later.

"It's ok." Ethan says then proceeds to leave me alone for the rest of class, making me feel worse. He still sat next to me in modern English class, but he didn't once say anything. Making me feel even worse. By the time P.E. was supposed to be starting I couldn't handle it.

"Ok, please talk to me Ethan. I'm sorry I snapped, I just didn't have a great weekend, which is no excuse but I feel horrible now. Please don't hate me."

"I don't hate you Zoey, I just didn't want to upset you more by talking. Because my go to thing to make people happy is telling jokes and you don't like my jokes. I'm not mad or upset and I definitely don't hate you."

I sigh. "So we good now? Because believe it or not, I don't like when you aren't telling jokes and crap. No matter how bad the jokes are."

Ethan grins. "We're good."

Ethan then made a point of us being good by partnering up with me in P.E. as we run laps, and tell terrible jokes the whole time.

"Red Bull? Zoey that's bad." Ethan says when I sit down at lunch with my Red Bull in my hands.

"Well, maybe if we were more then friends I'd listen to your opinion on Red Bull, however we're only friends so I don't have to. Plus, I already bought it."

Ethan sighs. "If you get a heart attack, you better hope getting wings was worth it."

"I'm not going to get a heart attack Ethan. I don't drink these too often, just until recently."

We eat in silence, mainly Ethan eating because I'm just pushing my salad around. If any of my cousins were here right now, they'd definitely know something was up, I love salad, I'll eat it. No matter what. Salad is my life.

"Oh my gosh! It's Zoey! Be careful, she might murder you!" Some random kid whispers to their friend quite loudly as they sit at the table behind me.

"Did you hear she tried killing her own mom?"

I scoff. Stupid kids don't know when to stop.

"No, she didn't try killing her mom, just got her to try killing herself."

Now all the kids at the table behind me where gossiping about me, and I know for a fact Ethan can hear every single word, even though he's trying to look like he can't hear.

"Did you guys here her mom's in the psych ward? Her mom is crazy!"

"That makes total sense, because Zoey obviously drove her birth dad away, and her stepdad! None of them wanted the crazy's daughter! Zoey is a psychopath."

"Yeah, I heard she killed her younger brother too."

And that's where rage over took me. First, they talk about my mom, then my birth dad, then Riley my adoptive dad not stepdad, and they called me a psychopath. Whatever. But where they screwed up is when they said something about my younger brother. I did not kill my brother. And I do not allow people to talk bad about him.

I slam my hands down on my table, standing up quite aggressively. Ethan's eyes widen, knowing shit must be going down. I'm not usually a violent person, I dislike getting in fights.

But, when someone says something about my brother, that's when all restraints I have snap.

"Oh no! The psycho's mad!" One of the stupid jerks jokes with their friends, all laughing. I immediately recognized that kid's voice as the same person who said he heard somewhere I killed my brother.

"What were you saying about my brother?" I ask, taking a step closer to him, feeling like this kid may or may not end up in the hospital, depends on when the teachers get to us.

"Oh you know, the fact you killed him. I mean come on, we all know you did."

Yep, he's going to the hospital.

"Don't you fucking dare talk about my brother." I say, my voice a scary calm.

"Or what? Are you going to try to fight me? You're just a lousy little girl, you don't even know how to throw a punch."

"I'll show you, you sexist fucker!" I growl lunging for him, I knock him off the bench and he lands hard on the ground, while I start throwing punches into the stupid jerks face. No one, and I mean on one, can talk bad about my brother. He was the sweetest nicest kindest kid you could've ever met. And I wouldn't ever think for a second about hurting him let alone killing him!

"Don't you fucking talk about my brother! And I did not kill him!!"

The stupid jerk isn't even trying to block my punches, probably because I've just beat him unconscious. Oops...

I'm forcefully dragged off the kid by some random teacher and people crowd around the kid, I hear yelling, probably directed at me, then I'm told to go straight to the principal's office.

I however didn't walk by myself, oh no, I had the teacher who dragged me off the kid who happened to be the football coach, aka the slightly less impressive version of the liver king. Whatever, I'm not dangerous now, I'm by no means calm, but I'm not going to put up more of a fight.

I talked with the principal, telling her everything they said about me, said to my face, and then how I amply beat the kids ass. The principal said that I'll be lucky if the kids parents don't press charges on me, and that I shouldn't have beat him up. And then I was suspended for a week and a half. Whatever, it's the start of the school year so it doesn't bother me one bit.... My grandparents however, that might upset them.

I was then escorted by the football coach to my locker to grab my things I'll need then brought back to the office to wait for whoever they called to come pick me up.

Hi again tic tacs.

What's this? Me updating yet again? This is what happens when I'm bored and have nothing to do. I don't even have friends of my own to hang out with anymore. All I have is my older brother and his girlfriend, and sometimes my older sister and her boyfriend. I love being the annoying yet adorable little sister. I strive for it.

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