Chapter 3

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"So Zoe, how was your first day?" Katlyn asks when she and Kaylie walk up to me.

"Good. How was yours?"

"Great." Katlyn says then looks at Kaylie.

"Mine was sweet. Zoey, I wish you had lunch with us, Mark actually took us out for lunch!"

"Yeah, I wish I had lunch with you too." I say with a sigh.

My phone buzzes, so I look at it, seeing it's a text from uncle Wyatt.

Uncle Wyatt
Hey Zoey, Chris is going to pick you up, and you're gonna chill at their house for a bit.

Ok cool. See you later uncle Wyatt. Love you.

Uncle Wyatt
Love you too sweetie. Take care.

I put my phone in my pocket.

"Who was that?" Katlyn asks.

"Uncle Wyatt, he said Uncle Chris is getting me from school and I'm gonna chill at his house for a bit." I say.

"Oh you're coming over, sweet." Kaylie says. "What about Max and Clara? Are they coming too?"

"I dunno. Probably." I say shrugging.

We exit the school building, and sit on this weird shaped bench that's in like a 'C' shape. We all call it the 'C Ceat' with a 'C' for seat instead of a 'S'. No one really know why we call it that, but we just do.

Mark, Alan, Nolan, and Lincoln all come and join us.

"So boys, how was your first day on senior year?" Katlyn asks.

The three shrug, and Lincoln just sits there on his phone, that kid's literally addicted.

Katlyn rolls her eyes. "Well I hope it was good."

We all wait around, waiting to be picked up. I'm watching all the kids leaving, when I make eye contact with the Ethan kid.

"See you tomorrow my acquaintance!" He yells, waving bye to me, making me roll my eyes.

"Ayo, what was that about?" Alan asks eyeing me questioningly.

"He sat with me at lunch." I shrug.

The subject is dropped and we go on with life. Soon enough, people in our group start getting picked up. Until it's just Kaylie, Mark, and I. We only have to wait about a minute until uncle Chris comes.

We all pile into his car, and he starts driving off. "Uncle Chris, are Clara and Max gonna come over too?" I ask.

"No. You're not staying that long, just until school for them let's out, then you'll go home." Uncle Chris said, and I nod absent minded.

Home. Can I even call it that anymore? Home is with your family, and I'm with family yes, but not my family.

Before I can get too lost in my thoughts, we arrive at uncle Chris's house, I guess it's a good thing he lives so close to the high school, getting lost in my thoughts are never good. I try to not think about my whole family situation too much, because if I think about enough, I'll probably lose my mind. And go into a major depressive state, and I can't have that. Everyone's got enough on their plates already, no need to add to it.

Exiting the car we all walk into the house. I kick off my shoes by the front door, and drop my backpack immediately going to the basement of the house, and flop onto the big couch down there. Well aware of Kaylie following.

"So girly, what's up?" She asks flopping onto the couch next to me, yeah, the couch is that big.

"Not much. What's up with you?"

"Also not much. Life's kinda boring currently."

"Boring's not necessarily bad though." I remind her.

"Alright, fair point."

I close my eyes, taking in the momentarily peaceful moment. Until it's ruined by Mark stomping down the stairs.

"Hey dude bros! Wanna walk to the gas station and buy junk?"

"I'm not a dude, or your bro!" Kaylie yells. "But sure, I'm down. Zoey?"

I sigh. "Sure, why not? Beats laying around."


"Mark, don't say Radical, it's weird." Kaylie says getting up.

"No way. Radical is awesome!"

"Dad!! Tell Mark to stop saying radical!!" Kaylie yells.

"Dad!! Tell Kaylie to stop being a buzzkill!!" Mark yells then smirks at Kaylie.

"Knock it off you two!! I'd like some peace before the others get back!!" Uncle Chris yells back from somewhere upstairs.

"Alright. Autobots, roll out!!" Mark says quite loudly then runs up the stairs.

"My gosh, he is such a dork." Kaylie says rolling her eyes, making me chuckle. Those two are such good siblings.

I shake my head, making the thought leave my mind before it even enters my mind. Then run upstairs with Kaylie.


We got back from the gas station a bit ago, and now uncle Chris is taking me to go pick up Max and Clara then go home, as uncle Chris called it.

I stay in the car as uncle Chris goes into the elementary school, picking up my siblings. Then soon enough he comes out, with Max and Clara, plus my little cousin Trevor.

The four get in the car, and my little siblings and cousin are all chattering about their days. Until Max and Clara realize I'm in the car.

"ZOEY!!!" Clara yells. "I missed you sissy!!"

"Oh yeah, well I missed you more!!" Max says then gives Clara a look.

"I missed you both too." I say smiling softly. Those two goofballs are so adorable.

They go back to talking with Trevor, and I tune them out. Yes, I love them, but I don't feel like listening to them go on and on about who has more cooties.

I rest my head against the car window, not feeling like holding my head up anymore.

"Hey Zoe, you ok?" Uncle Chris asks.

"Hm? Of course. I'm just tired."

"I'm here for you to talk to if you ever need it, you know that right?"

"I know that uncle Chris." I say picking my head off of the window. "I know I can talk to you or any of my other uncles and aunts."

"Ok good to know you know that. We're all here for you."

I nod. "I know."

And I do know. They repeat that all the time, that they're here for me, for Max, for Clara. For all of us. It's hard to forget when we're constantly told it.

I'm back from my vacation. So I have another update for y'all. Hopefully I can update tomorrow, but I'm not sure.

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