Chapter 30

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Oh gosh! What am I doing?! Why did I just kiss Ethan?! Why are we still kissing?! He's literally my best friend!!

My extremely hot best friend who is very attractive and the best thing that has ever happened to me.... It's impossible to deny that I have feelings for him.

I had loosened my grip on Ethan's hair when he had looked away, but now I tighten my grip. Still very much kissing him. Ethan in return brings a hand up to the back of my neck, the other hand still around my waist.

Ethan moved my head a bit, and before I can wonder why he did that, he deepens the kiss.

Oh gosh.....

Ethan's a really good kisser. I hope I'm not bad. I've never kissed someone before, so I hope I'm not a bad kisser.

Ethan pulls away, and I rest my head on top of his. We're both breathing heavy. Wonder why...

"What- was- that-?" Ethan pants.

"No idea." I whisper.

"You're a good kisser." Ethan whispers back, and I pull my head off his looking down at him.


He nods, blushing a bit. "Yeah."

"That's good, I thought I'd be terrible. I've never kissed someone before so..." I trail off, not needed to say anything. Ethan already knows.

"I'm your first kiss?"

"Yeah. Don't make me regret it." I say tightening my grip on his hair again. "My dad has a shotgun he'd use on your pretty little face."

Ethan smiles at me. "You called my face pretty."

I roll my eyes, but smile as well. Stupid Ethan making me smile when I'm trying to be serious.

"Seriously though, why'd you kiss me?"

I shrug. "Why'd you look at me like you wanted to kiss me?"

"Because I did want to kiss you." Ethan says nonchalantly.

We sit in silence for about a minute after that, until I hug Ethan close to me. I just really love hugging him. Hugging Ethan makes my heart warm, and makes me feel safe and wanted.

"ETHAN!!! ZOEY!!! IT'S DINNER!!!" Leo yells from downstairs.

I sigh and let go of Ethan and climb off his lap. I didn't want to let go of him yet. Stupid Leo and stupid dinner.

Ethan chuckles as he takes my hand. "We can cuddle after dinner."

I still frown. After dinner sounds so far away.

Ethan takes my hand and leads me downstairs to the dining room. Ethan pulls out my chair for me as usual and then sits next to me. I've eaten dinner at his house many many times, when I was avoiding my mom. Which I'm not necessarily doing now, but I haven't seen her since we last talked, when I told her I felt like things were my fault and she told me otherwise.

Vance sits down at the table, and grins at me. 'Zoey, you sly dog.' He signs.

"What do you mean Vance?" I ask signing as well.

'Please. I know my brother. You two totally just made out.'

I feel my cheeks heat up a little bit, and I can sense Ethan noticed it as he was putting food on my plate for me.

'Shut up you little shithead.' I sign to Vance, glaring at him. He just laughs loudly.

'You crack me up Zoey. It's nice to see my brother finally getting some action.'

My jaw drops, very unlady like but I don't care. 'Vance! You're 14! Don't say things like that!'

Vance just snickers and winks at Ethan. Ethan looks at me confused, but then he must have realized what Vance was talking because he starts to blush a bit, making his younger brother laugh harder.

Leo looks at the three of us, before his eyes widen. "Oh, you little stinkers!"

Ethan's eyes widen in horror. "Leo?"

"I'm not stupid, it's not hard to see." He says shrugging.

"Boys, care to share what's going on?" Aiden asks.

"Seriously Aiden. You don't know? Gosh you really are oblivious sometimes." Darcy says shaking her head.

"Mom?!" Ethan asks, his eyes widening even more.

"It's not hard to tell you two were just kissing." Darcy says shrugging.

My cheeks heat up, at the fact she just said Ethan and I were kissing. She wasn't wrong, but it's embarrassing. Ethan's cheeks turn deep red and he slowly slouches in his chair, trying to hide a bit.

"Is he a good kisser Zoey?" Leo asks.

'Zoey, it's funny seeing your embarrassment through your signs.' Vance sighs to me, referring to how I must have showed I was embarrassed through my signs since I've been translating to him this whole time.

"Well is he?" Leo presses.

I copy Ethan by slowly shrinking in my seat. This is so embarrassing!

"Leo, shut up." Ethan snaps.

"Ha, so you're a bad kisser! I knew it!"

"He's not a bad kisser." I mumble, defending Ethan. Which only made Aiden laugh.

"This is one interesting dinner." He says, rubbing his chin. "Make sure you two use protection tonight."

Ethan abruptly stands up from the table, then grabs my hand. "We're getting ice cream." He says and drags me towards the door. We put in our shoes, and he leads me out to his car. He starts the car with a heavy sigh.

"I'm so sorry Zoey. That was so embarrassing!" Ethan cries resting his head on the steering wheel.

"It's ok." I say taking his hand in mine. "They're just teasing you."

"You're right. Still, they didn't need to embarrass you too. I feel so bad!"

"It's seriously find Ethan. Come on, you said ice cream and now I really want some. If you're too upset I'll drive."

Ethan picks his head off the steering wheel and gives me an annoyed look. "It's still illegal."

"Oh come on! I just have to do the behind the wheel and then I can get my license."

"Still illegal." Ethan says pulling out of the driveway.

"Psh, you're illegal."

Ethan rolls his eyes. "Of course I am."

Hi tic tacs

I don't really have anything to say, but still wanted to say hi.


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