Chapter 49

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I biked to school today, instead of having uncle Noah drive me, because I can tell he's starting to get annoyed with all the driving.

I feel like he's getting annoyed with me still living with him. I mean why else has he started bringing up when I'll move back in with my parents. I've told him, I'm not ready yet.

Though I can't hardly put up a fight, it's his house I'm staying in. Not mine. I'm just a guest.

Maybe I should just get my own apartment. So I never have to worry about any of this stuff anymore. Once I'm 18, for sure. Also because I plan to go to a college far enough away where I won't want to drive forty minutes one way every day just to get to college.

I lock my bike to the bike, not that anyone would steal my bike anyway. It's literally the only bike here.

"Sunflower, did you bike here?" Ethan asks coming up to me. I'm caught a bit off guard by the nickname but soon remember I told Ethan we can be friends with benefits minus the sex.

"Yeah. I wanted to get some exercise in." He doesn't need to know uncle Noah is getting annoyed by me.

"I can give you a ride if your uncle doesn't want to drive you." Ethan says, seeing right through my lie.

"It's fine. It's not a long bike ride anyway." I say shrugging and start walking into school.

"Are you excited to be a big sister?" Ethan asks, slinging an arm around my shoulder.

"Yeah. Of course. I've always been excited to be a big sister. I cried for a week straight when I found out mom was pregnant with Matthew, I was just so happy." I mumble stopping by my locker.

"I can imagine it. You're a great sister."

"I didn't talk for a whole month after we found out he had cancer. Well, I talked to Matthew. No one else."

Mom wouldn't stop crying, saying she couldn't handle me not talking. But I didn't care. There was nothing worth saying. Nothing I said or did could change the fact my brother had cancer.

I close my locker, staring at it for a second, then looking away. "But it's in the past now."

I start walking to my first class, not waiting for Ethan to finish up with his locker that I'm now realizing is right next to mine.

He runs after me, and hugs me. Stopping me from walking down the hall. "You seemed like you needed a hug."

I sigh hugging Ethan. He always gives the best hugs.

"Better?" He asks.

"Mhm." I continue walking, Ethan following close behind me.

"Hey, did you hear there's gonna be an assembly during math? We get to skip math class today, and I'm very happy."

"Ethan, we don't have the same math class."

"I know, but I have pre calc with Mr. Venus the same time as you. We're taking the same class, just different teachers."

"Oh. Cool."

I didn't leave my bedroom for a whole week when Matthew died. I probably would've thirsted to death if it wasn't for mom who brought me water and meals. Dad ran out on us the second mom and dad heard he died. I was there when his heart stopped, singing him his favorite song. I knew he was going to die. The doctors told us they didn't think he'd make the night. They were right. He flatlined, and I just stood there helplessly as the doctors and nurses started unhooking his machines. They didn't try to revive him. They said they wouldn't, mom and dad agreed to it as well. That once his heart stops, they didn't want to bring him back.

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