Chapter 6

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Ethan made me laugh a lot more during lunch, and honestly after that I didn't feel so miserable. And for some reason Ethan decided to walk me to Spanish class, which we happen to have together, but I really think I was the one walking him to Spanish class.

After Spanish class, Ethan told me that we no longer merely acquaintances but now just acquaintances. I know, huge step in our relationship, a little scandalous if you ask me. We barely even know each other!

We went on our merry ways, but when me and my cousins were sitting on the C Ceat waiting to be picked up, Ethan yelled out bye to me again. Making my roll my eyes and my cousins curiously ask questions.

One by one all my cousins start leaving, and soon it's just me sitting all by myself. I don't even know who's coming to get me, but it must be dad because none of my other family members have texted me and they always text. Plus I would've just gone home with my cousins when they were picked up.

I sigh refreshing my texting app, wondering if I'll see any new texts... nope. This is just great, looks like I won't be getting a nap now, since by the time I'm finally back home it'll be too late to take a nap. Literally so stupid.

I work on some homework, bored out of my mind still waiting to be picked up. It's been about two hours and I'm getting ready to call grandma. I keep telling myself they'll be here any minute, but I don't think anyones coming for me.

"Zoey?" I hear a voice call out. I look up from my Spanish textbook, and see my Western Civ teacher Ms. Dowell walking towards me.

"Hi Ms. Dowell." I awkwardly close my textbook. "Can I help you?"

"I don't need anything Zoey. I was just wondering why you're still here, do you need a ride home?"

I shrug. "I think someone should be here to pick me up soon. Thanks for the offer though." I say smiling politely at her.

"Ok... mind if I wait with you for a bit? I believe I'm one of the last teachers here so I'd hate for you to be left here without a ride."

"No, I don't mind." I say, still being polite. Honestly it's nice knowing at least one of my teachers are nice people. Ms. Dowell barely even knows me, we've been in school two days, so it doesn't make much sense why she's being so nice.

After waiting another half an hour, Ms. Dowell sets down her book she was reading. "Do you want me to just give you a ride home?"

I think about it for a minute. I would've called grandma or something, but my phone died, and stupid little me didn't think to bring a phone charger. So I can't call anyone.

"Ok yeah, I guess I could use a ride." I mumble, kinda embarrassed no one came for me. It's so weird, this has literally never happened. I must have just been forgotten.

Ms. Dowell takes me to her car, and I give her directions to grandma and grandpa's house. We get there in about ten minutes, and I see the driveway is empty. Which would mean no one's home, even more weird.

"Thank you for the ride Ms. Dowell, see you tomorrow."

"Will do. If you ever need a ride again, I'll be more then willing to drive you. Bye Zoey!" I hop out of her car, waving as I go into the house. Yep, definitely empty.

I go up to my bedroom, uncle River's old bedroom, and flip into my bed. Where is everyone?

I plug my phone in, and within minutes it powers on so I take it looking for any texts. Still nothing. I just roll my eyes, fine. If no one's going to text me, I won't text them. Whatever.

I sit at my desk, finishing off all the homework we were given, and by then it's well past dinner time.

I go downstairs to myself dinner, when I hear the front door opening. I decide to be a little drama queen and ignore whoever it is. They forgot me, so I'm a bit mad.

"Zoey?" I hear uncle Noah call out. "Zoey please tell me your here and not left at school!"

I sigh. "I'm in the kitchen!" I yell out, and soon uncle Noah walks in.

"Zoey! Oh thank goodness you're here!"

"Yeah, because my teacher gave me a ride. Where the hell is everyone?!"

Uncle Noah sighs. "You grandma, Max, and Clara got in a car accident in the way to get you. The twins only had a half day. They're all mostly fine, Max has a minor concussion, Clara broke her leg, and mom also had a concussion but she also has dislocated shoulder. Dad had to leave on an emergency with one of his clients and won't be back for a day or two. Mom told someone to go get you from school, but I guess no one got the memo. I'm sorry Zoey!"

I blink. "Oh my gosh, can I go see them?! They don't sound ok!" Screw silent treatment, that was before I knew my family was in a car accident.

"They really are fine Zoey. They've gotta stay over night, just for observation, but they'll for sure be home tomorrow."

I nod, feeling really worried about them.

"Have you eaten yet?"

I shake my head.

"Let's go get Taco Bell then, my treat." Uncle Noah says taking my hand and pulling me out of the house before I can say a word. Not that I was going to. Taco Bell sounds great, especially since I need to get my mind off the whole car accident thing. If you ever want you mind to go elsewhere, uncle Noah is your guy to go to. He'll make everything better.

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