Chapter 13

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"Zoey, can you explain to me why the school called saying you skipped class once before lunch, then never went back to your classes?" Is the first thing grandma asks me when I walk into the house.

"Well, they called saying I skipped class because I did." I say shrugging. Wasn't that sorta obvious?

"I mean why?" Grandma asks.

"Because I didn't want to be at school. Off topic, can I have my phone back?"

"Zoey, what's up? First your disappearing after dinner until late at night, and now skipping class?"

"Teens rebel, it's what we're known for." I say shrugging. Does she really need an explanation? She's not my mom.

"Zoey, I'm not giving you your phone back until you tell me what's up."

I groan. "I've been with my dad the past two nights, and I skipped class because I had a really bad headache and couldn't stand being in school. There, can I have my phone back now?"

Grandma sighs, and walks off, coming back a minute later with my phone. "Thanks."

I go to take it, but grandma tightens her grip. "Just so you know Zoey, I used to be really good at hiding all my problems, I know when someone's hiding something. And your grandpa is a therapist, it's his job to analyze people and their minds, so if you don't want to tell us, that's fine, but just know we probably already know what's going on."

Grandma loosens her grip and I take my phone putting it in my pocket. "I love you Zoey."

"Love you too grandma." I say softly then go up to my bedroom.

I climb into my bed, ready for bed. Even if I just take a short nap, I know I need it.


I wake up, rubbing my eyes looking around my dark room. Huh, weird. I look at my alarm clock, my eyes widening when I see it shine out in red numbers 2:19am

So much for just a short nap. I slowly and quietly get out of my bed, and tiptoe downstairs. I'm starving and want something to eat.

I jump a foot in the air seeing grandpa casually sitting in the kitchen with a cup of coffee.

"Oh Zoey, what are you doing up?"

"I- I was hungry. What are you doing up?"

Grandpa shrugs. "I'm an adult, it's what we do."

I nod slowly then walk into the kitchen opening the fridge. Seeing nothing I open the pantry. I grin taking out the lucky charms. I pour myself a bowl of cereal, then sit down next to grandpa.

"You know, your grandma has been telling me you've been acting up some." Grandpa says after a minute.

"I honestly don't get why adults are always saying I'm acting up. Sure, I've said a few bad words, had a few arguments, but that's literally all it is. I'm not acting up." I say with a sigh. I'm not acting up, I just have a very low tolerance for shit.

"Well I know you aren't acting up. But we just want to understand what's going on in your head."

"Nothing much is going on in my head. Maybe some anger towards certain people, but that's mostly it." I shrug it off.

"Ok, we just want to make sure you're ok." Grandpa says softly.

"I am ok. If I'm ever not ok I know who to go to. I'm genuinely fine."

"Good. Good."

A few moments of silence go by, until grandpa says he's going to go to bed. I continue eating my cereal, staring off into the dark house.

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