Chapter 59

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I sit down in my math class, next to Katlyn and we both talk about how the Boyd men are literally the best breed of men.

"We need to make a groups chat with Stacy in it, so we can all gossip and gush over the Boyd boys." Katlyn says excitedly. "I'm doing it right now." She takes out her phone, and I take mine out when mine buzzes.

I smile seeing Ethan's daily text he sends me. Just this really long list of things he loves about me, why he loves it, and how he's the happiest man in the world he says.

I, as usual send him one back, and set my phone done telling Katlyn about it. Which makes her blush because she says Leo does the same thing, except their relationship is a bit too new for love, so Leo just says things about why he really likes Katlyn.

"Oh my gosh, wanna hear his nickname for me?!" Katlyn asks.

I nod. "He calls me baby and minor, not baby in a cute way, but because I've just turned seventeen and he's turning nineteen tomorrow."

I laugh. Sounds like something Leo would do. "Are you going to their house for his birthday?" I ask.

Katlyn nods. "Are you?"

"Of course. I'm his bestie, he invites me for events that aren't even his. Like he invited me to his mom's work party, that his mom wasn't even inviting him to. But apparently besties crash work parties together."

Katlyn laughs. "I swear it's like he's a child stuck in a grown man's body. Like, it's concerning how weird it is. He acts like a kid, yet has a bunch of chest hair."

I squint at Katlyn. "And how do you know he has chest hair?"

Katlyn's eyes go wide. "We- we went swimming! Duh!"

I giggle. "You hate swimming. Because you don't know how."

Katlyn's face drops. "I do know how, I just prefer not to swim. Ever since uncle Riley threw little ten year old me in the deep end of the pool."

"Katlyn it was three feet deep, and he asked if you wanted to be tossed in. You could touch the ground, the water was to your shoulders."

Katlyn waves her hand. "Psh, no one cares about the details. I landed in a belly flop, and have hated swimming ever since."

I bite my lip. "Matthew got you to swim again though."

Katlyn grins. "Yeah, but then I remembered how bad that belly flop hurt."

"Hey! You are changing the subject! How did you see Leo shirtless?"

Kaylie chooses that moment to sit next to me. "Hey girlies, what you talking about?"

"Our boyfriends." Katlyn says, narrowing her eyes slightly at Kaylie.

"Ew. Gross. Can't relate."

Katlyn blinks. "Anyway Zoe, he wasn't shirtless, he was-"

"Can we not talk about boys? They're gross. As I said. Why don't we talk about something I like for once? Like Paisley Brown?"

Katlyn sighs. "How about we all talk about the people we like. Like my boyfriend, Zoey's boyfriend, and the girl you're crushing on?"

"But I honestly have no interest in your boyfriends. It doesn't concern me, so I don't care."

Katlyn glares at Kaylie, who started off not being a bitch, but has slowly started becoming one. I think it's her dance class she's with. All the girls there are grade A bitches, and are turning Kaylie into one of them.

"Actually, I don't care anymore. I'll talk to my best friend." Kaylie says getting up from her spot, and moving to sit next to her new best friend, Lucas Gracia.

"Is it just me, or do you feel slightly annoyed with how Kaylie's replaced us? Apparently because we're straight we aren't good enough for her." Katlyn asks glaring at the two.

"No, I feel the same. I'm all for talking girls with her, but no. She just goes to the most popular gay guy to be best friends with. Because he's gay, which means he's better then us."

Katlyn rolls her eyes looking away from both of them. "But we're literally equals. Neither is better or worse."

I shrug. "Not according to Kaylie."


"So, I was thinking, what college do you want to go to?" Ethan asks sitting next to me at our claimed lunch table.

"I dunno. One far enough away so I have an excuse to move out, but not too far to not visit basically every day. I'm going to have two new siblings, and I don't want to miss their milestones. Along with Max and Clara, I can't miss them growing up."

Ethan nods. "Well, I know the one of the state colleges is like twenty minutes away. Far enough to move, but not too far."

"That sounds good. Do you have any idea what you want your career to be?" I ask Ethan, and he nods.

"A neonatologist, which is doctor for babies. And sometimes on the side neonatologists are midwifes or ob/gyns, which I wouldn't mind doing."

"Does the state college have courses available for doctors?" I ask, no point in going to that college if it doesn't have Ethan's necessary courses.

"Yep! One of the best in state actually." Ethan says, grinning. "What about you? What do you want to have a career in?"

"I think a elementary school teacher, for disabled children. Or a daycare worker."

"That's like, the perfect career for you! You're great with kids!" Ethan says hugging me. "And, the college has courses for that. We could go to the same college!"

Ethan keeps saying we're going to move in together, and I don't even try to protest. For two reasons, one being I want to live with him as well, and two being it's inevitable knowing my family.

"Yeah, and I think I may want to see if I can get a degree in interpreting for like a side job. If not, I feel like my great skillz in sign language will be for nothing."

"Was that skillz with a Z?" Ethan asks.

"Yep. Skillz with a Z."

Ethan laughs. "Oh my gosh I love you! You're totally radical Girasol!"

"I know Ganso." I say patting Ethan's cheek. "I love you too."

"Now next, is we need jobs."

"I have a summer job." I say grinning.

"Yeah, that doesn't pay very well. And I've been fired from my job."

I giggle. "That's because you kept calling out to hang out with me. I told you you'd get fired if you kept doing it."

Ethan shrugs. "It was definitely worth it. But what if we got a job together? But one that pays well."

"Oh I know!"

"What?" Ethan asks attempting to take one of my apple slices, only for me to slap his hand.

"The local café! It's great, because we'll definitely get the job, since my aunt and uncle can't not hire their niece and her boyfriend! Plus, they'll pay well since mom and dad don't let anyone spoil us. Uncle Wyatt tried to give me a like really expensive car when I turned fourteen, but mom and dad said no. Which is good because I couldn't drive yet, and uncle Wyatt didn't have the money to buy me a really expensive car. I mean he did, but he didn't need to use it in me, so instead he gave me fifty bucks for my birthday."

Ethan chuckles. "And let me guess, your other uncles tried to one up each other?"

I nod. "Yeah, I got like a thousand dollars in total for that birthday. And ever since mom and dad refuse anything more then twenty bucks from each of them."

"So basically we'll get payed good if we work for your uncle and aunt?"

I nod. "Yep. And even better, they're the most competitive couple."

Ethan grins. "Looks like all we have left to do now is get accepted into college, and graduate high school, not in that order though."

I nod. Totally agreeing with Ethan.

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