Chapter 2

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Lunch rolls around, and I've been trip twice more, called very mean names, and even had some kids purposely throw a football at my face. (A/n: I'm American so by football I mean an American football) And here I thought the bullying would just magically stop this year. But it's fine, it's not as bad as in the past so far.

I realize I have lunch by myself, seeing as how all my cousins, aka my only friends, all share the lunch period right before this one. Stupid school having two lunch periods, lame if you ask me.

I get my lunch, and briefly glance around the crowded cafeteria. Seeing only a few half-empty tables, I sigh finding one with only three kids at the end of it. It'll do I guess. It sucks being that kid that sits by themselves but it's fine, I don't really care what people think about... well I try to not let it bother me.

I'm about to take a bite of my pizza, which is super greasy and looks still a bit frozen when someone walks up to the table and clears their throat. I look up and see it's that new kid everyone's obsessing about, I believe I have like two classes with him so far.

"Mind if I sit here?" He asks referring to the empty spot across from me.

"Nah, sit there if you want." I say shrugging, better for him to sit there than for me to sit by myself.

I give my pizza a look, before deciding it's probably not safe to eat. I don't feel like poisoning myself right now.

I hear a laugh, and I look up to see the new kid laughing. "Is the food here really that bad?"

"Not always, but I'm pretty sure the lunch period before us gets all the good food," I say, and it's most likely true.

"I guess I probably shouldn't eat this then?" New kid says, slowly pushing his tray away from him.

"Probably not." I say, also pushing my tray away from me.

We sit in an awkward silence for a minute or two. Until new kid clears his throat. "My name's Ethan." He holds out his hand, for a handshake.

I roll my eyes placing my hand in his. "Zoey." We shake hands, and then the awkward silence comes back.

"Um, wanna go raid the vending machines for some actually edible food?"

"I'm good, I just spent all my money on this terrible lunch." I say with a sigh. I guess I'll be bringing my own lunch from now on.

"I'll buy you some food. Think of it as a thank you for letting me sit with you."

"What? Why would I need a thank you? It's literally just a table, it's not like I own it. I don't need a thank you."

Ethan sighs. "Ok, then think of it as a... friendly gesture."

"Friendly gesture? But we're strangers. We've never met before. Why would you show me a friendly gesture?"

Ethan blinks, looking at me. "Strangers? We shook hands then exchanged names."

"Well, technically we exchanged names then shook hands." I cut in, correcting him.

"..." Ethan blinks again. "Strangers? We exchanged names and then shook hands. We're at least acquaintances."

"So then there's no need for a friendly gesture because we aren't friends. Just merely acquaintances."

"Just merely aquai— oh my goodness! Do you want food or not?!"

I chuckle. This was kind of fun. "I dislike being in debt, and I'd be in debt to you."

"You won't be in debt, because I'll give it to you for free." Ethan says slowly.

"Hm... so are you inquiring that I need free food because I don't have money, therefore meaning you see me as a helpless charity case? That's quite rude if you ask me."

"You know what? Maybe I won't buy you food."

I shrug. "Ok. Have a good day, my acquaintance."

Ethan rolls his eyes groaning as I get up from the table with my tray. Lunch is almost over anyway, so might as well get on with my day now.

I love annoying kids, it's so fun! Especially when I win at annoying them. Kids these days are so boring, get everything handed to them, and only care about themselves, so it's fun seeing them struggle for once.

I'm aware I sound like someone's millennial grandpa, but for reals, kids these days are terrible. They don't know what it's like for those of us who have real-life struggles.

As I'm walking to my locker, I come across a five-dollar bill laying on the floor. "Aw sweet!" I say picking it up. Glancing around to see if anyone's around since they probably dropped it, I see no one so shrugging to myself I take it. Losers weepers, finders keepers, as my grandpa would always say.

I go to the nearest vending machine and see that Ethan kid getting food. I roll my eyes and walk-up.

"I thought you didn't have any more money on you, my acquaintance." He says.

"Psh, I never said that." I say deciding on a bag of hot Cheetos. I put my money in and punch in the number.

I take my change, and I move over to the drink vending machine where Ethan is standing right next to. I order an energy drink and grab it. I cannot get through today without some energy.

"A Red Bull? Let me know if you fly off to class." Ethan says chuckling to himself.

"Yeah, ok." I say rolling my eyes.

"You roll your eyes too much," Ethan comments as I'm walking away. I flip him off over my shoulder, going on my way.

He's annoying but in a funny way. I like annoying him, his reactions are so much better than all the other kids' reactions.

Sorry for the time in between updates tic tacs. But I'm on vacation, and didn't think I needed to update on vacation. I'm still on vacation, we leave to our halfway point tomorrow, which is like twelve hours away , and then Sunday we go home, like ten hours away from the halfway point. Anywho, today's a chill day, so I've got time to update. Enjoy:)

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