Chapter 18

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Dad was confused when I told him I was going to be living with him again for a bit, but happy. And then he was even more confused when I told him I got into a fight at school and am now suspended. But he's fine now. Sadly dad works, so I'm home alone for a bit.

"Zoey, are you even listening?" Ethan asks me.

Oh, but Ethan's been keeping me great company. He's video chatted me everyday, to go over everything I've missed out on so I won't be behind too much.


Ethan sighs. "I was asking if we could hang out in person sometime soon? I'm having my sunflower withdrawals."

"Ha ha ha. So funny. I'm dying of laughter." I deadpan.

"You're no fun Zoey."

"Yeah sure dork."

"Oh, are you talking to Zoey?!" I hear Leo ask then soon enough his face is on camera. "Hi Zoey!"

"Hi Leo." I say. Leo has also been talking with me when I talk with Ethan. Leo goes to a private school on a scholarship so that's why he doesn't go to the same school as Ethan and I.

"Leo go away." Ethan groans.

"No way, not only am I bugging you, but I also get to see Zoey."

"MOM!!! LEO'S BEING ANNOYING!!!!" Ethan yells.



"BOYS!!! SHUT UP!!! YOU ARE NOT TWO!! FIGURE IT OUT ON YOUR OWN!!!" The boys' mom yells back from somewhere in their house.

"Psh, mom's a buzzkill." Leo groans.

"Dude, don't diss mom. She popped you out into this world."

"Yeah, and what a miserable one it is. My brother is a complete dork."

"Ha! I agree!" I laugh, making Ethan frown.

"That hurts sunflower."

"Good." I say grinning at my phone.

"You're lame."

"As if. You're the lame one."

The three of us keep talking until I hear dad getting home. "Hey, my dad's home. I should probably go now."

Ethan and Leo say bye, then hang up. I slip my phone into my pocket and go downstairs.

"Hey Zoey, I've got some good or bad news, depending on your view on the matter."

I raise an eyebrow.

"Keely's being released from the psych ward at the end of the week. She's gonna come live here."

I honestly have no idea how to feel about that. On one hand, I'm glad mom's getting out, on the other hand I'm worried about her getting out. She tried killing herself. Yes, it's been like a year. Does that make me feel any better? No.

"That's... that's great...?"

Dad sighs. "At first we're going to have the twins stay with your grandparents so your mother and I can get into a routine. No one will think anything bad if you want to stay with the twins too."

I shake my head. I did that last time, and mom ended up attempting to end her life. So there's no way I'm doing that again. "No, I'll stay. I need to be here anyway."

Dad nods. "Ok."

"I'm gonna go on a walk." I say, and without waiting for a reply I walk right out of the house.  I need to process this information.

I walk for about half an hour, and I come up to this café. I shrug and go inside, good thing I never took my wallet out of my pocket from earlier when I went grocery shopping for dad.

I walk up to the line, and wait for my turn to order.

When it's finally my turn, I order myself a coffee and then once I have my coffee I settle for just walking along the sidewalk. I know this time is meant for me to process the major change that's about to happen in my life, but instead my mind is relatively blank.

I walk past a cluster of house, just in time for two kids to come running out pushing each other around. And soon enough they tackle each other to the ground.

"Get off me dork."

"Make me!" The kid sitting on top of the other kid says then laughs. Only to be roughly thrown off and then tackled.

"Ha! I win!"

"MOM!!! SAVE ME!!!!" The boy who's now pinned down yells helplessly, but soon ends up laughing.

The kid on top looks up, and immediately sees me awkwardly standing at the end of their driveway watching with an amused smile.

"ZOEY!!!" Leo yells and gets off his brother and runs to me hugging me.

"Leo! My coffee!" I yell trying not to spill my coffee. Leo takes my coffee out of my hand and sets it down before hugging me tightly again and then spins me in a circle.

"I can't believe I'm finally meeting you in person! And you're just so huggable!"

"Leo, let go." Ethan grumbles. Leo laughs and let's go of me. "Did you decide to stalk me sunflower?"

"No. I was just taking a walk to clear my mind. Then saw some kids fight their way out of their house."

"Oh..." Ethan says, then randomly hugs me. "Are you ok?" He whispers so only I can hear.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I mumble softly. Why is he asking?

"Zoey, I'm your friend. I can tell when you're lying." Ethan whispers still.

"No, I'm not fine. But I will be.... Hopefully." I whisper back.

"Want to talk about it?"

I shrug. "I don't know."

"Boys!! Dinners ready!!" The voice I've come to recognize as the boys' mom calls from the front porch.

"Zoey, want to eat dinner with us? I'm sure mom's got enough food." Leo asks.

I look at Ethan, asking for permission. This is his house after all. Ethan nods, so I agree.

This will be interesting.

Hi again tic tacs.

Legit it's been probably like ten minutes and I'm here updating again. I blame it on the fact I'm supposed to be doing math. I'll never be able to express my deepest hatred for math.

Toodles tic tacs<3

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