Chapter 31

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"Ethan..." I mumble pushing his face away from me. "I'm trying to do my homework!"

Ethan grins. "So? I like kissing you." He says leaning back towards me, kissing me gently on my lips. I sigh kissing him back.

"Ok, seriously though. I like kissing you, but I also like my grades."

Ethan groans pulling his face away from mine. "Fine fine. But can we kiss after?"

I roll my eyes, yet agree.

I really really want to ask Ethan what we are, since we've been kissing nonstop all week ever since the night I spent at his house when we kissed for the first time. But I don't ask, because I don't want to ruin our friendship. What if he's jut kissing me because he likes kissing me but doesn't like me?

I groan. Why is it impossible for people in my family to just simply have friends of the opposite gender and not catch feelings? It would be so much easier that way. Because now I like Ethan, no doubt that I like him. And I really don't want to get hurt.

I shake my head focusing on my homework again. We have a test on Monday, so I need to study. Ethan claims he already studied.

I'm almost done writing out my notes, when my dad calls us down for dinner.

I close my Western Civ textbook, and Ethan release his grip on my waist and I climb off his lap and off my bed.

Ethan climbs off my bed too, giving me a quick peck before taking my hand and leading me downstairs. Ugh, does he like me or not? I swear I'm going to go crazy!

Dad dishes out dinner for us, and we all eat in silence, until dad clears his throat. "Zoey, your siblings are moving in tomorrow."

"Are you two ready for that?" I ask. Me living with them is one thing, but the twins living with them is another thing.

"Of course Zoey." Dad says, like it's obvious. But I'm just looking out for my siblings.

"Dad, you go to work, mom's going to be the main one taking care of them. Do you think she's able to do that?"

Dad sighs. "She's been going over and helping out your grandma with the twins the past two weeks. She can handle it."

"Guys, if you want to tell secrets, at least do it discreetly." Mom says, huffing.

Dad turns to mom, apologizing to her and saying how he loves her, and other stuff I didn't bother reading.

"I know you're looking out for your siblings, but she can handle it." Dad says.

"Ok, I'll trust you two. But if I hear one thing from them, I am sending them back to grandma and grandpa, regardless of what you want." I may or may not be a bit too protective of them at times, but I do not want my babies hurting. I've seen enough of that over the past three years, I don't need to see more.

"Don't worry Zoe, they'll be fine."

"They better be." I say, dead serious. I will send them back to my grandparents if I think my parents aren't capable of taking care of them properly. I know they're our parents, but both have screwed up and stopped being a good parent to them for some amount of time. I've always been there for them, I know what they need and when they need a stable place. Knowing my parents, and how they've turned out, there's still a chance things could go south.

Ethan grabs my hand under the table, and I instantly feel better.

Gosh dammit Ethan!! Stop making me like you even more! I swear my heart will break so hard when he tells me he doesn't actually have feelings for me. Stupid Ethan making my stupid heart want him. Gosh!

We finish dinner, and then I drag Ethan back up to my bedroom, shutting my door and then glaring at it. I want my siblings with me, but I also want them to get what they need. I'm worried my mom won't be able to care for them properly. What if the stress of caring for them gets too much and she tries killing herself again? What if she succeeds? What if she dies this time?

"Zoey, come here." Ethan says bringing me out of my thoughts. I turn around, seeing him sitting on my bed with his arms open. I walk into them, hugging him tightly.

"It'll be ok. Just give it a chance." He says softly.

"Yeah, it'll probably be fine." I mumble into his neck.

After a minute I pull my face out of his neck, and press my lips to his. I did say we could kiss after my homework, and I'm mostly done.

Ethan pulls me closer to him, and I grab his hair. That's become my thing, for some reason I like grabbing his hair whenever we kiss, and Ethan seems to like it so...

Ethan grabs my chin with one hand, and places his other hand on my hip. He deepens the kiss, and shortly after pulls me onto his lap instead of me standing while he sat.

I tighten my grip on his hair, but Ethan doesn't seem to mind. If his soft moan was a thing to go by.

When we run out of air, Ethan moves on to kissing my neck. Seriously, we need to stop kissing and stuff before I get too attached. Right now, if he were to disappear tomorrow, I'd be broken for a year, two years tops. If I get too attached, which won't be long at this rate, I'll never recover if he were to disappear. I already need him, but I could need him even more. That would be bad.

Ethan kisses my jaw, and that's when I can't take it anymore. I abruptly get off his lap and close my eyes.

"What'd I do?" Ethan asks.

"Nothing. Nothing. Just don't... don't kiss me like that again. Please." I mutter, running my hands down my face. Gosh, if he keeps kissing me like that, I'd be falling much faster, and come crashing down hard.

If Ethan were to just have feelings for me, then it'd be fine. But he doesn't. This is just like friends with benefits, without the sex part. He most likely doesn't have feelings. Vance was probably wrong. Because if Ethan did like me, he would've told me already.

Boys are impossible!

Hi tic tacs


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