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Scott, Derek and Isaac have been tracking down rogue werewolves for weeks now.
But wih no luck.
And after Stiles called them about the body Lydia found at the pool.
Scott knew they needed help and he only knew of only 5 people that could help them.
'The only ones who can kill a werewolf.' Scott explained to Isaac and Derek.
They stared at him a little confused. What was he talking about? Who was Scott gonna call for help?
Who could possibly help them? Who possibly had that knowledge?
'And do we know these friends of yours?' Derek asked.
'Not exactly.'

Meanwhile in New Orleans:

Hayley Marshall took out her phone when a message came through. It was from a random number but she knew exactly who it was from.
Scott McCall. Who she hasn't heard from in a long while. Unless they were in trouble and needed her help. How can she say no?

We need you.

The message said.
Hayley thought for a moment. How can she not say yes to her friend?
He needs her.
'Klaus.' She said as she walked into the next room. 'We need to go.'
'And where exactly are we going, little wolf?' The Hybrid asked.
'You'll know when we get there.'
'Hayley, vacation isn't a good idea right now.'
'It's more of a mission we need to go do.'
Klaus stared at her for a moment. 'Okay, fine.' He evventually said and Hayley felt a smile coming to her face. 'I'll go get, Rebekah, Elijah and Kol.'

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