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Hayley will just try and avoid Malia.
She won't fight unless this traitor pushed her to it.
And honestly, Hayley would rather fight her away from school grounds. Like in the woods where there were no witnesses. That seemed smarter.
Look, Hayley didn't want a fight but she knew it was propably necissary.

Because they can both receive detention for any damage they cause and it would be embarassing for 2 senior years to do that infront of a bunch of new freshmans...
All Hayley did was try to walk away but Malia placed her arm in front of the werewolf girl to stop her from leaving.
'Malia.' She warned her eyes glowing a bright yellow. 'Don't test me.' She growled.
She knew this confrontation was coming sooner or later and all she wanted to do, was  grab Malia and slam her into the wall. But she held herself back knowing that it was the first day of Senior Year and no one wanted this on the first day. So Hayley just took a deep breath and her eyes turned back to its normal colour.
That doesn't mean that she's not angry. No. She's furious. And she felt betrayed.

No good friend would do something like this...
She knew that...

No true friend would betray her like this.

'It was one kiss, Hayley.'
'No. You wanted to hurt me. You knew I was with Stiles. You knew how I felt about him. A true friend doesn't do that, Malia.'

'Well, he didn't seem to care. He liked it.'
'No he didn't. I saw it on his face and I could hear his heart beating. He did not enjoy it, Malia. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get home. I have a lot of home work.'
'I guess there's no changing your mind, is there?'
'Nope.' The werewolf girl answered firmly as Malia allowed her to leave and Hayley was just glad to get out of there.

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