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It was a quiet sunday morning and Elijah was sitting on the porch reading s news paper

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It was a quiet sunday morning and Elijah was sitting on the porch reading s news paper.
'Elijah, really?' Kol grabbed the news paper from his older brother. (Gif above)
'Well, we must know if there is any information.'
'No. People are being erased from excistence. That won't be in the news paper if no one remembers them.'
Which is true.

Rebekah was drinking some coffee. She hadn't slept a wink last night. She had been working leads and honestly she was a little cranky.
So lucky for her, there was coffee in the house.
Klaus stepped out of the house causing his other 3 siblings to turn their attention to him.
'Hayley's still sleeping.'
'Leave her to sleep. She's had it rough, Nik.'
'I know. And what do we do? There's no leads.'

'Does this guy even exist? How do we know Hayley hadn't lost her mind?'
Rebekah tightened her hold on the cup in her hand.
Klaus and Elijah glanced at each other.
Oh, how the Hybrid wished he had brought one of his daggers right now. Kol would certainly deserve it.
He really would.

'She's not crazy, Kol.' Elijah replied.
'She certainly seems that way.'
Rebekah glared daggers at her brother.
(Get it??)
Seriously? What's Kol's problem this morning?
'What do we tell Hayley?' Elijah wondered out loud.
'We find Stiles.' Klaus replied.
'Elijah, this is not up for debate!' The Hybrid snapped. They will not argue about this! They have to do this for Hayley! They all care about her! This is for her!

During the next week, a certain blue jeep was almost towed away from the high school but luckily Lydia and Scott stopped the man and payed him off. Buying them some time.
Hayley called Rebekah to hear if they had any luck. Nothing so far. 'Okay, well, call me when you find a clue.'
'I will. Don't worry, Hayley. We'll figure this out and we will find him.'
'I hope so.'
Both of them hung up and Hayley sighed. 'Scott.' She turned back to look at him and Lydia sitting in the jeep.
She really wants to talk to Scott. There's just a few things she really wants to get out there.
Mostly about their friendship. He's her best friend and she just wants to feel close to him again.
That's all.
That's really all she wanted.
Was that wrong?
No...she doubted that...

'Scott, can we talk for a second?'
Her friend nodded and climbed out of the jeep. 'Yeah. Of course.' He assured as he walked over to her. 'You okay?'
'Fine. haven't been totally honest with you.'
'No, Scott. I have to say this. The only reason I stopped hang out with you, is because I felt a little left out. I mean you have so many friends now and I just feel like-'
'I had no idea you felt this way, Hayley. I'm sorry for not seeing it.'
'It's okay.'
'We can talk about this more later. I think Lydia found something.'
Hayley and Scott went to the jeep. A voice was coming over the radio.
'Stiles?' Lydia asked into the radio.
There was a moment of silence.
But just then, Hayley heard Stiles' voice again and she breathed a soft sigh of relief. He was okay.
She felt tears of happiness well up in her eyes. Although she was fighting not to cry, she badly wanted to.
She really wanted to cry.

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