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Stiles was worried that Beacon Hills won't survive without them and Hayley was acctually agreeing.
Stiles was right.
She enjoyes Beacon Hills even with all the craziness.
That just made it more interesting.

Yes Hayley and Stiles had fought badly but they were both under pressure when they tried to find the Beast.
It's not their fault.
It was a sunny Tuesday morning but sadly a school day.
The girls had pretty much partied the whole weekend and they were still tired from it.
They were on break and Lydia drank another headache pill.
'Still have the hangover?' Malia asked her.
'Yes.' The red head answered with a sigh.
'Tomorrow they're taking the yearbook photos.'
Hayley sighed. 'Please anything but that.'
'What, you don't like photos?'

'Sort of. And Stiles is a photo bomber.'
'And he's acting weird.'
'"Weird"?' Lydia repeated.
'Yes. Weirder than useal. Not Stiles weird. Weirder.'
'Is that even possible?'
'Seems so.'

Hayley stood up. 'I'm gonna get my books. See you on class.'
There's nothing wrong with Stiles. The werewolf girl told herself. Stiles is completly fine.
Unless he's not fine.
Hayley felt her heart wrench.
Maybe Stiles wasn't fine. Maybe something was wrong.
But Stiles would tell her. Wouldn't he?
Wouldn't he tell her if there was something wrong?

Hope had come for a visit for a month while Klaus was away on some type of mission.
Hayley's phone rang and she stood up to answer it.

'Hello?''Hayley-''Um, who's this?''This is Stiles

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'Um, who's this?'
'This is Stiles. Stiles Stilinski.'
'No. I-I don't know who you are. You must have the wrong number.'
'No. I don't. Please, Hayley. Please remember.'

And then Hayley remembered. She knows who Stiles Stilinski is. The love of her life.
'I know you.' She breathed out.
'Hayley, please. Everyone is forgetting me. Please you have to make them remember.'
'I will.'

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