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Hayley and Stiles were walking to school that Monday morning

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Hayley and Stiles were walking to school that Monday morning.
It was a beautiful sunny morning.
They both met up with Scott, Malia and Kira.
Hayley instantly saw something was wrong.
And she guessed it was something bad.
'We need to break Lydia out of Eichen House.' Scott stated.

'We'll I'm coming with you. I'm not sitting this one out, Scott.'
'I can be your best advantage.' Hayley argued. Why won't they let her go with them? She can protect herself and Lydia's her friend and who knows what they are doing to her there in Eichen House!

Stiles had been in there just before he and Hayley met but he told her the other day what that place was like.
And the werewolf girl won't take any chances.
'We need to get her out of there. So, do you have a plan, Scott?'
'I do. But you're not coming, Hayley. I'm sorry.'
'Well, what am I suppose to do then?'
'I don't know. Just stay home and hope we'll make it out alive.'
Hayley sighed but nodded.
Maybe that's for the best.


It was a Wednesday morning and Hayley, Rebekah, Lydia and Allison were planning their weekend.
Just a girls weekend.
No boys.

But that doesn't mean they can't talk about them...
'So, you still single?' Lydia asked Hayley.
'Yes. Why?'
'Because it looks like Stiles has eyes for you.' Allison teased.
The werewolf girl felt a blush go up to her face.

Stiles Stilinski's a good friend but that doesn't mean it's anything romantic!
It really wasn't.
Well, Stiles was known for trying to get a girl. Hayley knew he had a crush on Lydia yet she doesn't even notice him and she certainly doesn't care. And Hayley doesn't feel ready to try a new relationship yet...
No. She still wanted to try and be with Elijah.
Yet she was curious to know if Stiles truly did have a thing for her.

<End of flashback>

Hayley sat at home. Anxiously waiting for any news from her friends. She was mad at Scott for not letting her go with them. She should be out there...
Helping to save Lydia just like everyone else. Not here where she can't do anything and be no help.

Somewhere at about 2 o' clock, Hayley heard the front door open. She left her room and rushed down the stairs to see Stiles. She went and threw her arms around him. He hugged her back tightly.

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