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Lydia, Malia and Scott promised Hayley that they had a plan to get Stiles back.
Liam, Theo and Kol were leading the Ghost Riders away from the High School.
Hayley waited outside and heard a racket in the jeep that had once belonged to Stiles.

And then she saw someone sit up in the jeep. At first she thought that she was just seeing things but that didn't stop her from going and checking it out.
She needed to know if she was imagining it.
She opened the jeep door and felt a wave of relief wash over her. She wasn't imagining it! There sat Stiles Stilinski! It was Stiles! Her Stiles!
'Stiles!' She threw her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. And she didn't want to let go now.
She just wanted to hug him.
Stiles wrapped his arms around Hayley and returned the hug.
'I missed you.' She murmured. Tears of happiness streaming down her face.
'Me too. You remembered me?'
Hayley pulled away and stared up at her boyfriend. She brought her hand up to touch his face. 'Of course I did. I never ever forgot you.' They kissed each other.
Stiles grabbed Hayley by the waist and pulled her on top of him.
Their lips moved together in perfect sync.

Heated kissing ahead. Skip if you must.

Stiles moved his hand to the back of Hayley's neck and gently titlted her head.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and they made out for a few more minutes.

Okay you're safe.

Until Hayley heard a loud roar. She pulled away.
'Scott.' She wispered.
'Thinking about your bff while kissing your boyfriend?' Stiles teased.
Hayley stared down at him. She knew he was just kidding but there was a chance Scott was in danger. As was Malia and Lydia.
'Hayley, please stay.'
She wanted to.
She wanted to so badly.
But Scott needed her.
A knock on the car window made the both of them jump (and propably have a minor heart attack) they both looked to the window to see Klaus Mikaelson. And he smirked at the 2 of them as Hayley felt a blush creep up to her face.
She opened the car door. 'Yes, Klaus?'
The Hybrid still smirked at her. 'Did it occur to you that there are still Ghost Riders?'
Hayley totally forgot about that the second Stiles returned! She didn't mean to!

She got out of the car and ran towards the woods.
She finally found her 3 friends but then saw the Ghost Riders taking someone.
(You know that dude that tried to kill Scott. The teacher guy. I'm sorry. I can't remember his name😅)
She ran over to Malia, Scott and Lydia. She noticed Theo was there but didn't pay attention to him right now.
'Is it over?' She ask Scott.
He nodded.
Hayley breathed a sigh of relief.
She's just glad it was finally over.

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