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Hayley was trying to figure out a plan to bring Stiles back.
How can he even be erased from existence?
How is that she's the only one who remembers him?
How did this even happen?

How did Stiles...?
Hayley will do whatever it takes to get her boyfriend back.
No matter what it takes.
That is her plan.

She just hopes it works. She needs Stiles back.
She needs the person that she loves back.

Hayley was running through the woods.
She had tried to work a lead but only ended up angering a group of angry werewolves. Who were older and stronger than her.
So all she did was run.

She should have thought this through but this is about saving Stiles Stilinski and she needs all the help she can get

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She should have thought this through but this is about saving Stiles Stilinski and she needs all the help she can get.
Here in Beacon Hills...she's not an Alpha or a werewolf queen. No.
All she is, is Hayley Marshall.
And she knew that. She was well aware.

She finally stopped to catch her breath.
A twig snapped behind her and she decided to lash out.
But her wrist was caught and she was unable to pull free.
'Now, now, little wolf. Is that any way to welcome a friend?'
'Klaus.' Hayley breathed out.
'The one and only.' Klaus let go of her wrist.
'I thought you were-'
'An angry werewolf? Well, lucky for you, it's just me. What are you doing here all alone?'

At that moment, Kol, Elijah and Rebekah Mikaelson came out of the bushes.
'Care to fill us in, Hayley?' The blonde Original asked.
'Stiles is missing.'
'What's a Stiles?' Kol wondered out loud.
Oh no. They forgot too. I'm too late. Hayley realised as her heart dropped. She had thought atleast they would still remember Stiles Stilinski. They forgot too...

'Never mind.' Was all the werewolf girl said.
She had been so hopeful to atleast have someone remember Stiles and it was a waste of time.
No one remembered him.

Klaus placed his hand gently against Hayley's face. 'Who is he, Hayley?'
She made eye contact with him. 'Someone I care about.'
'Are you happy with him?'
She was...
Hayley knew she was.
She had been so happy with Stiles Stilinski...
All she did was nod.

She saw it in his eyes

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She saw it in his eyes.
He truly did not remember...
'I love him, Klaus.' She murmured but loud enough to hear.
'Then we'll help find him, Little Wolf.' The Hybrid assured. 'If he makes you happy, you deserve him. Now, where do we start searching for him?'

That was a good question. That Hayley realised.
Because how do you search for someone if he's erased from existince?
How do you even look for someone like that?
Where to even start if no one remembers him?
The Mikaelsons forgot Stiles just like everyone else. Hayley's the only one who knows who Stiles Stilinski is...
And she's determined to get him back even if she has to break the worlds of the supernatural to do it.
She's detirmened to.
Stiles needs her to save him.

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