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Hayley and Stiles were on a date tonight.
It was a Friday night and they were just glad the week was over.
They had fought some crazy stuff this week.

They sat in the restuarant going over the menu.
'So, what do you want for dinner, sweetheart?'

After a few minutes they ordered their food and waited a few minutes.
'Stiles, you okay?'
'I have a question to ask you, Hayley.'
'Sure. Ask away.'
'You ever thought of having kids?'
'Not now but someday. Deffinetly some day.'
They smiled at each other.
Hayley knew that question would come sooner or later. Just...not this soon. That's all.

<End of flashback>

'By some miracle, the nurse has decided not to press charges.' Sheriff Stilinski stated the group. 'You're free to go.'
Hayley knew exactly why there would be no charges.
One of the Mikaelsons were involved.

And she was grateful for their assistance.
But they really have to find Stiles.
That's all that Hayley wanted to do right now.

Find Stiles and bring him home. Somehow.
Hayley left the police station with Scott, Malia and Lydia.
Klaus and Rebekah were waiting for them outside.
'Police station? That one's new.' The blonde Original pointed out.
Hayley gave a small smile.
'Any luck?'
The girl's smile fell.
All Hayley did was shake her head. They're no further than they had been before. Not even a single step closer to saving Stiles.
Yet she's the only one who remembers him.

When she explained that to her friends, they thought she was crazy.
They looked at her like she was insane and she knew she wasn't.
She was far from insane.
'I'm going home. I'll see you guys tomorrow.' The werewolf girl stated.
She's tired and she needd some time alone.
Just to think.

When Hayley got home, she went to take a shower.
Just to try and relax herself.
She wasn't at all fine.
First she lost Allison Argent, then Jackson Kenner and now Stiles Stilinski.
And Hayley Marshall felt broken. She truly felt like there was nothing that can fix her now.
She hasn't told Scott about how she felt. She knew they were friends but she didn't feel so close to Scott anymore. Honestly, they drifted apart.

They weren't that close anymore and that made Hayley feel even extra alone.
She and Malia are sort of friends but that does not mean they get a long that good.
Kira left to go finish her training to control the fox spirit inside of her but who knows how long that will take.

Hayley and Lydia do get along and the red head's nice but the werewolf girl would rather keep her problems to herself. Useally Stiles would notice and he always had.
Hayley felt her heart wrench. She wants to get her boyfriend back. She needs him back.
But Klaus told her he has searched for leads and found nothing.
She doesn't understand that!
How can there be no leads?!
Those stupid Ghost Rider things must've left some type of trace behind!
Maybe a footprint or a bullet from their gun...or a piece of clothing...
Anything's better than nothing!

Hayley turned off the shower and climbed out. She wrapped a towel around her body.
She decided not to even make anything to eat. Officer Stilinski is working the rest of the night and honestly, they are propably not gonna be talking for a few days.
Acctually Hayley felt a little bad about what happened earlier.
But what Stilinski's father said earlier tonight...
He had said: "Yeah. That's right. Go back to your dead wife and your looser son!"
That made Hayley frown...
How did he know that?!
How had he known?!

That's what confused Hayley a little.
What on earth does this me?
Of course she wants to find out but she doesn't know how to do that without violence.
Because she feels like violence is the only way.
That's honestly how she felt.
But she knew Stiles would do it for her and he'd find a way to save her. She just wants to do what he would do for her. That's all.
Stiles Stilinski would do this for her...
She needs him back...
Here by her side...

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