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Everyone knew what was coming and what they might have to do.
Kate showed up and shot Chris Argent and Derek Hale and took something from the werewolf.
So the problems just got more and more the moment Kate Argent returned to Beacon Hills.
Derek got up and went after Kate and he told Argent to warn Scott.

Meanwhile, Hayley was in the caffeteria in the hospital. She had suggested they all meet here and get a bite.
Kol came to sit next to her and placed his hand on her shoulder.
'We'll stop this.' He assured.
But how? Hayley wondered. They can't look at the Anuk-ite.
'Hayley, we'll figure this out. I promise.'
'Gerard is using the Anuk-ite for his own personal revenge.' Hayley explained.
'I know he is. This is all his fault. Not yours. You're not responsible for this. You're not.'
'Well, I feel like I am. Lydia, Mrs. McCall and Mason got shot. Scott's dad transferred to another hospital. Maybe this is what Gerard wanted.'
'Well, when I get my hands on him, he won't be laughing anymore.' Kol promised.
Yes he realised they played right into Gerard's hands but there's still time to save Beacon Hills. All they needed to do was form a plan. Kick Gerard's ass and then everything can get back to normal.
'Beacon Hills is my home, Kol.' Hayley said. 'I will not let Gerard take that away from me.'
That's a promise.
Hayley loves this town. Her best friend was here. And almost everyone in Beacon Hills are innocent. The Anuk-ite is making them act out on fear. That's why this is happening.

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