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It was the first day of Senior Year.

Everyone of them were excited.
Hayley and Stiles had been on vacation for the first week of the summer to just get away for a little while.
They had both needed that.
And they were both happy...
They were madly in love...

And Stiles had promised her to never ever let her go again.
Never ever. From now on, he will keep her very close to him.

Little did Stiles Stilinski know that Hayley Marshall was already forming a secret revenge plan.
All she wanted to do was teach Malia a little lesson.
But how far was she willing to go to accomplish that?

Hayley saw Malia walking over to them and quickly excused herself from the group and told them that she was going to get things ready for the day. Before Stiles could protest, the werewolf girl walked off.


Hayley and Scott walked into his bedroom.
'You okay with me staying over?'
'Of course. It's anyway bad wether. It's really fine if you stay here. I can loan you a T-shirt.'
Hayley fought the blush creeping up to her face. That's very sweet of Scott but she'll be fine. The clothes she's wearing are comfortable enough. 'I'm okay. But thanks, Scott.'
'You can take my bed. I'll take the chair.'
Hayley went to lay on Scott's bed and he went to sit in the chair.
'Come on. Don't sleep on the chair. Please. There's plenty of room here on the bed.'
'Are you sure?'
'Yeah.' Hayley moved over as Scott got up from the chair and went to lay on the bed.

<End of flashback>

Hayley closed her locker and yelped in shock when she saw Lydia Martin standing there. 'My poor heart, Lydia.' She sighed. She almost got a heart attack...
'You okay, Hayley? You look a little jumpy.'
'I'm fine. You just scared me.'
The red head raised an eye brow at her friend.
'I'm fine, Lydia. Please leave it alone.'
'I know what Malia did. I tried to talk her out of it. I-'
'Well, her and I are no longer friends. Because no real friend would do that to a friend. A real friend wouldn't steal one of her closes friends' boyfriend.'
Lydia sighed. 'I know. But you can't avoid this forever.'
'I am certainly gonna try.' Hayley stated firmly as she turned on her heel and went off to class.
The red head stared after her. What is she planning? She wondered.
Hayley was not telling her something.
Lydia just didn't know what it was.
But it was deffenitly something.
And she had a bad feeling about it...
A bad feeling that maybe she knew what it was...
And it clicked in Lydia's head...
She would...

She would litteratly look for a fight...

But no...

Come on just no...

Hayley Marshall wouldn't fight Malia Tate...

Lydia tried to deny it.
Come on...
That's not Hayley...
It can't be...

Lydia opened her locker and got her books. She should keep a close eye on Hayley for the rest of the day.

In class, they got news that they were writting a test on their Bioligy subjecy.
All of the students groaned softly.
But acctually, Hayley agreed with the teacher. It would be a good idea to test them and see who was good at Bioligy and who should take another subject.

After school, Hayley quickly went to the bathroom. But just when she finished, none other than Malia walked in.
Oh come on! The werewolf girl thought to herself.

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