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(Okay so this is Ep22 of S3 of Teen Wolf and there will be spoilers. You have been warned)

While Scott and Lydia tried to get Stiles back, Hayley had a plan of her own.

'Any news from Hayley?' Elijah asked Klaus worriedly.
The Hybrid shook his head.
'I'll go find her.' Kol assured both his brothers.
'I'll come with you.' Rebekah spoke up.
They both left to go find Hayley.
Something was really wrong. They both knew that.
'They'll find her.' Klaus promised Elijah.
'She turned it off, Niklaus.'
'I know.'

And that is why they need to find Hayley before something bad happens or if those Japanese Nogitzu things gets their hands on her.
But if she does turn it back on, Klaus knows that every emotion Hayley has been serpressing will come back a 1000 times worse.

<Meanwhile with Kol and Rebekah>

The two Originals were still looking for Hayley without any luck.
'You think they'll be able to help Stiles?' Kol asked his sister.
'I believe so, Kol.'
That didn't convince the Original Vampire much. He was still worried.
'She's a ripper, Beks.'
'I know. But we can't give up on her. She's the mother of our niece and if our roles were reversed, Hayley would try and save us no matter what. You know that.'
'I do.'
'Let's call Allison and hear if she found anything.' Rebekah took out her phone and called Allison.

<With Allison>

Allison took out her phone as she ducked behind a desk in an office at school.
'Rebekah, now isn't a good time.'
'Have you found Hayley?'
'Um, yeah. Something's wrong with Isaac. He's not himself. I need help. I won't be able to hold them off.'
'We're on our way, Allison. Hold on.'

When Kol and Rebekah arrived at school, they went to find Allison.
As Kol destracted Isaac, Rebekah went to get her friend.
They were about to leave when they saw Hayley standing in the doorway.
'Hayley, listen, this is not you.' Rebekah tried to reason.
'It is now!'

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