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Stiles parked the jeep in front of the animal clinic. Scott had asked him to meet here.
'Stay in the car, Hayley. I'll be right back.'
He climbed out of the jeep in the rain. Getting soaked in seconds. 'Hey, sorry. The jeep wouldn't start. The engine's not holding up too good.' Then he realised something was wrong.
Scott held the wrench in his hand. The same wrench Stiles had used to fight off Donovan.
Which he had lost in the fight.
Stiles stared at his best friend worriedly.
'Did you use this?'
Hayley was about to climb out of the car to stop the boys from fighting but she realised the door was locked. She leaned over the seat to feel for the door at the driver's side and found it locked as well.

'You think I had a choice?' Stiles demanded.
'There's always a choice.' Scott replied.
'Well, I can't do what you can do, Scott.' Hayley's boyfriend shot back. 'I know you wouldn't have done it. You propably would've figured something out, right?'
'I'd try.'
'Yeah, because you're Scott McCall! You're the true Alpha! Guess what? All of us can't be true Alphas. Some of us have to make mistakes. Some of us have to get our hands a little bloody sometimes.' Stiles felt the anger burning through his veines...
The rage...
'Some of us are human!'
'So, you had to kill him?'
'Scott, he was going to kill my dad.' Stiles defended.
'But the way that it happened...there's a point when it''s not self-defense anymore!'
'What are you even talking about? I didn't have a choice, Scott!' Stiles saw it on Scott's face. He wasn't at sll convinced that he wasn't guilty. 'You don't even believe me, do you?'
'I want to.'
'Okay, all right, so...' Stiles stuttered his words. 'So, believe me.'
Scott stayed silent.
'Scott, say you believe me.' Stiles begged.
Still no answer.
'Say it. Say you believe me.'

'Stiles, we can't kill people that we're trying to save.' Scott simply said.
'Say you believe me.' Stiles pushed.
'We can't kill people! Do you believe that?'
Stiles stared at his best friend in disbelief. 'Well, what do I do about this? What do you want me to do? Okay, just be...Scott, just tell me how to fix this, all right? Please, just tell me, what do you want me to do?'

'Don't worry about Malia or Lydia. We'll find them. Maybe...uh...maybe you should talk to your dad.' With that Scott walked away.
Leaving Stiles there alone.
Scott walked inside the animal clinic.
Stiles continued to stand in the rain and stared at the wrench in his hand.


Stiles and Hayley were driving back home and the engine gave in. Again. He parked and climbed out.
He grabbed his tool box and went to check. He opened the engine and then Hayley heard him throw something. He slammed the engine shut and grabbed the wrench in the car and was about to throw it away but decided differently.
He threw the wrench into the front window of the jeep.
Forgetting Hayley was still in the car.
She let out a loud scream in shock.

Stiles felt his anger disappeared and realised what he did. He almost...
He almost hurt Hayley...
With the same wrench he had used in self defence against Donovan the other night...
Stiles rushed to open the passenger's door.
'Hayley? Are you okay? I'm so sorry.'
'It's okay. I'm fine.'
Stiles sat down beside the car and sighed. He knows what could've happened if he had tossed the wrench even harder than he had.


The next day, the jeep was towed away and none other than Malia came to pick up Stiles and Hayley.
Which was very awkward.
'Can they fix it?' Malia asked Stiles.
'There's not enough ductape in the world to fix that thing.' He sighed sadly.
'Hayley, did you get hurt?' Malia asked as she looked at the werewolf girl through the upper mirror.
At first, Hayley didn't say anything. She was still mad about what happened.

'No. I'm okay.'
'You guys want a milkshake or donuts?' Malia asked.
'Sure.' The boy said softly.
'Yes, please.'

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