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Scott woke up and sat up with a sigh. A knock on the door caught his attention and when he opened it, he saw Chris Argent.
'Let's go.'

Argent went and climbed into his car as Scott got his motorcycle and put on his helmet.
And with that they drove off.

Scott and Argent went to get someone who might be able to help them.


One of the men was hit by a very familiar jeep. It was Stiles.
'Didn't think you'd do this without me, did you?'
And Derek made his appearance.
It was a very gruesome fight between the men and Scott's pack.

Finally the men retreated and Stiles climbed out of the car.
'I can't believe you didn't tell me about any of this.' He said to Lydia.
'We had a very good reason.' The red-head answered. 'A very good reason.'

Scott kneeled down in front of Deucalion.
'Gerard...his worst fear...' The man gasped. 'He can't beat you...' With that he breathed out his last breath after giving Scott a proud smile.

The boy gave Derek a hug.
'As much as I enjoy a family reunion, why are you back here?' Peter asked Derek as he and Scott finished their hug.
'I found a pack slaughtered in Brazil. There was one word written on a wall in blood: Beacon Hills.'
'You came back for Beacon Hills?'
'No. I came back for you.'

Suddenly the radio in Stiles' jeep went on and Gerard spoke.
'Blood and destruction.' The man said. 'Dreadful objects so familiar.'
Stiles hurried over to his jeep and opened the door.
'All pity choked with custom of fell deeds.'
Stiles and Scott climbed in side.
'Ceasar's spirit, ranging for revenge. With Ate by his side come hot from hell. Shall in these confines with a morach's voice.'
Static was heard.
'Do you know the rest, Scott?'

Every muscle in Scott's body tensed up.
'Do you know your Shakespeare?'
Scott glanced at Derek as the young boy held up the walki talki thing (I hope you guys understand😅)
'"Cry "Havoc!" and let slip the dogs of war."'
'War indeed.' Gerard answered. 'Welcome back, Derek. You must all be feeling rather nostalgic. Are you pleased with the little famaly reunion I've gathered around you, Scott?'
'Yeah, well, why don't you come join us and I can thank you in person?' Scott asked.
'I even have a few visitors for you from London.'
Stiles turned to look at Peter and Lydia.
'Even someone like Jackson Whittemore. Who couldn't resist coming back to Beacon Hills.'

Then Gerard revealed that everyone was taken from him and Scott realized one thing: Gerard Argent just ultimatly declared war.

At the Vet place, the Mikaelson and Hayley met up with Scott and his pack.
Hayley and Stiles shared a short moment of greeting and kissed each other and then the planning began.
Apperently Stiles had been shot in the foot when rescuing Derek.
'Gerard just declared war upon Beacon Hills.'
'Okay so we have the Anuk-ite that can kill you by looking at you and then Gerard. How will this work exactly?' Kol spoke up.
Which everyone was wondering.

Peter Hale stepped into the High School after hanging up the phone with Malia. He stopped and glanced around to see the Anuk-ite and woth that, Peter Hale turned to stone.

Scott, Malia and Derek arrived at the hospital and the young werewolf alpha said he realised how to catch this thing.

Hayley and the Mikaelsons were at Scott's house getting supplies for the war.
Guns and grenades...and everything.
'Hayley, can we talk?' Elijah asked her and she nodded. 'Will you come home to New Orleans with us?'
'No.' Hayley answered. She already had told Klaus her choice. She's gonna stay here in Beacon Hills. She loves this town and this is where her heart is now.
It is where her heart belongs now.

At the school, Scott took out both of his own eyes to fight the Anuk-ite.
Hayley and Stiles rushed through the doors of the library and the creature turned to them.
Stiles slammed a bottle of mountain ash onto the ground. Killing the Anuk-ite.

Scott had to heal but he said he couldn't focus.
Malia kissed him and it triggered his healing.

Everyone sighed in relief.
They were just glad it was over.

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