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Hayley lay on her bed just thinking.
So they knew Stiles was alive. That was good.
But one slight problem: How do they get him back?
How do they do that without...
Without unleashing hell fire onto the world? Because that can possibly happen. It was a 50/50 chance.

How can they avoid that?
How can they without causing more damage?
A knock on the door caught Hayley's attention.
She looked to see Scott standing there.
'I was thinking we can spend the day together.'

Hayley nodded. Sure. She would like to spend with Scott for the day. Maybe this is their chance to get close again.
Like they once had been and then they need to work on getting Stiles back. Somehow.
But Hayley pushed that idea to the back of her head for now.
This is about spending the day with Scott.
Look, she didn't want Stiles to keep waiting longer than he has to but she needs a full proof plan and run it by Scott before they do anything.
Because having half a plan-or not even a plan at all-is a bad idee and Hayley's not willing to risk it.
'Hayley, you okay?'
'Yeah fine. Sorry, my thoughts wander these days.' She apoligized as she got off the bed.

'Okay. It's fine. Come on, let's go have some fun.'
'Where are we going?'
'You'll see.'

Hi guys our wifi was down all week that's why the stories were so slow😅hope you enjoyed this chapter.
Sorry it's so short.

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