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Hayley sat and did her homework. She just needed to make sure she knew the Bioligy answers.

'You okay, Hayley?' Stiles asked her.
'Fine. Just concetrating.'

'I couldn't find you after school.'
'I came straight home.' Hayley lied. She really doesn't have time for this.
They should be studying.
'Hayley, you really should forgive Malia.'
'"Forgive" her?' The werewolf girl repeated. 'I'm not forgiving her for what she did, Stiles.'
Stiles fell silent. There was no changing Hayley's mind. He knew that.
He didn't blame her that she was still upset.
She had a right to feel that way
Stiles didn't blame her.

'We should get to studying if we want to do well tomorrow.'
Later on, Hayley put headphones on to try and focus but it wasn't helping.
Her thoughts were racing a 100 miles per hour.
'Okay, that's it. I'm gonna go take a walk.' Hayley sighed as she stopped her music and took off her headphones.
'I need to get out of here.' She stood up.
'Wait. Where are you going?'
'To the woods.'
'The woods-most dangerous place-why?'
'Because I need to clear my head. Is that so wrong?'
'It's not wrong, sweetheart.'
'Well, you make it sound like it is.'
'Hayley, come on. That's not what I said.'
'I'm still going you can't stop me.'
Stiles stood up.
'I'll be back in an hour or two. I'll be fine, Stiles.'
The boy sighed. 'Okay.'

Hayley can take care of herself but he knew something was off about those woods

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Hayley can take care of herself but he knew something was off about those woods. Something was lurking there...
He noticed her body suddenly tensing.
'Nothing. Uh...I'm just gonna go.' With that she left.
Leaving Stiled alone with his thoughts.
Something was wrong.

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