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'Okay, Scott, what happened?' Hayley asked the next morning when they were walking to school. Since she is still young, she managed to get into the High School and she really wants to finish her last 2 years of school that she never got the chance to do.
'So, where have you been?' Scott asked his friend.
' and there. Mostly in New Orleans.'
She didn't really want to talk about that. And how will Scott react when he finds out she has a daughter?

(Ok so this is in season 3 of Teen Wolf and in TO there was no Dahlia. If you've seen all of Teen Wolf you're safe. I'm at S3 so I will write the chapters as I watch the series. But if you have not seen up to the end of S3 there is a warning for a lot of SPOILERS!)

'Hayley, are you okay?'
Hayley looked at Scott as they both stopped. All she did was nod.
'I'm fine, Scott.' She assured.

Later in the cafeteria, Lydia was talking about a party she was throwing but Hayley was barely even listening.
'Hayley, you okay?' Allison asked worriedly.
All the werewolf girl did was nod. No she wasn't fine. Her anxiety spiked a lot higher since this morning. She felt like she couldn't breathe and this was a feeling she had to deal with a lot when she was younger. 'I-I just need to use the bathroom.' She said as she hurriedly stood up. 'I'll b-be right back.' She left tje cafeteria and went to the nearest bathroom. No one was there and Hayley went to sit down against the wall and pulled her knees to her chest. Her breathing increased and she realized it was a panic attack!
No. I need to get a hold of myself.
Hayley told herself. Because she needs to. She can't let her new friends see her like this. But she was unable to calm herself down and she ended up crying hystericaly. Finally the bathroom door opened and Allison knelt down in front of her.
'Go away, Allison.'
'Hey, what is it? Is everything okay?'
'You can talk to me about this if you really want to.'
Hayley was grateful for that but she just needed to calm herself down. It was just a panic attack. That's all.

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