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Hayley was with Stiles for emotional support.
'Allison killed an Oni.' Kira explained.
'And then they killed her.' Stiles answered with a guilty sigh. 'And it looks like I'm dying too. Maybe that's a good thing.'
Hayley sat down beside him and placed her hand on his shoulder.

Kira stood up and left.
Hayley and Stiles sat in awkward silence.
'I know what you're gonna say, Hayley. You'll say that it wasn't my fault. It was my fault and now Allison's dead because of me.'

'I should have been there and instead I was trying to kill my family. I was a ripper. I should never have turned it off but I let fear get the best of me. Stiles, for that I'm really sorry.'

(Okay so heated kissing. That's it. So maybe skip if you're not too comfortable with it.)

Stiles turned his head to look at the werewolf girl. And now he only really now saw her. Like acctually saw her.
He saw now how beautiful she. And in that moment, all he could think about was kissing her.  He leaned forward and kissed her softly. He expected her to pull away but she never did. Instead she kissed back.
She wrapped her arms around his neck as his hands found its way to her hips and he pulled her onto his lap.
His hands finally found their way up her shirt. They pulled away and stared at each other lovingly.
'Are you sure?' Stiles asked her.
Hayley nodded. 'I'm sure.'
Stiles pressed a kiss to her neck and she gasped softly.

(Okay. So now you're safe.)

So now they went to the High School to take down Evil Stiles.
Scott attacked him but ended up getting slammed into a locker.
Stiles pushed Hayley behind him. He knew full well she can protect herself.
'I'm a thousand years old! You can't kill me!'
And then Scott got up and bit Evil Stiles and Kira stabbed him with her sword in the back.
But Stiles collapsed from exhaustion.

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