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It was time for another lacrosse game but Scott and Kira knew they were both very out of practice.

Hayley had acctually been looking forward to watching her friends play but Lydia told her that they will get the game canceled.

But at the game that night, Hayley used her super hearing to hear what Stiles and the Coach were talking about and he said that he won't cancel the game.
That he refused...
Which Hayley knew was bad.
The Beast might show up and innocent people might die.
Kira lost her tempet on the field and was kicked off.
Malia were taking down the news cameras and the lacrosse team of Beacon Hills were getting their assess kicked.

Hayley would by all means go on the field and play but she didn't know the rules and she wasn't much of a sport lover either.
But Scott and Stiles most of all were not playing very good.
'I'm gonna go to the bathroom.' The werewolf girl told Lydia and left.
She had a bad feeling that the Beast was here already...
Hayley wouldn't exactly be shocked if it was...

Then she had to do something because otherwise, a whole lot of people are gonna die.
Innocent people...
Hayley heard an odd sound and decided to investigate.
But between the busses, something grabbed thr werewolf girl and slammed her into a wall.

She saw stars and her vision blurred...
But she saw the beast...
'Hayley!' She heard someone yell.
The beast grabbed the werewolf girl and held his long claws under her throat.
Stiles and Malia came running towards them but stopped.
Understanding the threat.
The beast didn't care who lived or died and then Hayley felt blood soaking her clothes and she couldn't breathe.

She could make out Stiles screaming and then her eyes closed and darkness over took her.
The beast ran off and Stiles made his way to Hayley.
'Hayley?' He fell to his knees beside her. 'Come on. Stay with me!'
'Stiles, we have to go.'
'I can't leave her here! Hayley, come on! Open your eyes! I'm right here! Please!'
Stiles was close to tearing up as tears welled up in his eyes.
He knew something like this would happen.

A part of him knew...
He suddenly heard gasping and looked down to see Hayley opening her eyes.
He breathed a sigh of relief. She was okay...

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