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They drove through the desert.
Stiles and Scott were busy dealing with the shocking news of Kate Argent's return.
Hayley acctually had a little motion sickness so she wasn't very talktive.
'You okay?' Stiles asked her worriedly.
'Fine.' She said.
'You want some water?'

'No. I'm okay.'
'Stiles, I'm fine.' Hayley snapped.
They heard something slamming onto the bottom of the car and Stiles stopped and they climbed out.

Scott then left with a woman on a bike and Hayley leaned against the jeep.
Her head was hurting and she was very nauseus.
Stiles started checking the engine. 'Hayley, you okay?'
He glanced back at her.
She stared at him. What does he want her to say?
'Are you sure it's just nausea?'
She nodded. 'Yeah. I get motion sickness all the time, Stiles. I'm fine.'

Malia and Kira were on lookout.
Soon it started to get dark.
Malia knew something was watching them.
Kira used her sword to reflect the light of the jeep to shine further and they saw something.
Sonething was there. The creature ran away.
Hayley ran after it into the dark.
'No! Hayley!' Stiles cried out. He tried to follow but Lydia stopped him.
'No.' She said. 'Fix the jeep.'
Stiles wanted to go after Hayley. He knew she can take care of herself but he was still worried.
He was worried that it might not just have been motion sickness.

'She'll be fine, Stiles. Fix the car.'
Hayley stopped in her tracks when she ran into Malia and Kira.
'There is something out there.' Malia said. 'And it cuts deep.'
In the distance, they heard the Jeep start and made their way back to Stiles and Lydia.

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