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Scott had faced the Beast off in the library at the school and then they realized who it was...
Liam's best friend.

Stiles was trying to convince Hayley to stay out of it but she was a stubborn lady and just wouldn't listen.
These were her friends they were talking about.
She's not staying out of this fight.
She's going wether Stiles wants her to or not.
They're not fighting about this.

'Hayley, can we just talk about this like normal people?'
'"Normal people"?!' Hayley exclaimed.
Scott, Malia, Lydia and Liam just looked at each other. All of them equaly confused and had no idea why their friends were even fighting but they were.
'Stiles, I have to supress the urge to slap you right now!'
'You're not coming with us!'
'I am the best chance you have or did you forget that last time you had your assess kicked?!'

'Don't "sweetheart" me right now! Stiles, I got its sent!'
'Well, then what do you need us for? You seem to be able to face it on your own!'
'Fine! I'll go do it and I'll come back with its head!' With that, Hayley turned on her heel and stormed out.
Everyone stared at Stiles.
'What?' He asked them a little annoyed.
Seriously, what were they on about?
'Stiles, you do realize that Hayley will prove to you that she can do this by herself, right?' Malia spoke up.
'Yeah. And?'
'And she will get herself killed.'
'I know what her life was like. I know what has happened to her in New Orleans. Hayley can take care of herself.'
'And she almost died at the hands of the Beast itself.'
'Leave it, Malia. It's fine.'

<Meanwhile with Hayley>

Hayley had been walking underground for hours. The scent was near here...
She knew she was close...
She's gotten this far without Stiles. Forget hin!
He doesn't care!

The werewolf girl heard footsteps and stopped.

She let her eyes go yellow. And showed her werewolf fangs.

At the other end stood the Beast

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At the other end stood the Beast.
Hayley felt absolutly no fear.
She wasn't afraid.
And it was better that she was the only one here to finish this once and for all.
And she can finally prove to Stiles that she doesn't need his or the help of his friends.
The friends who clearly doesn't care.

<Hours later>

Stiles, Lydia, Scott and Liam went down to the tunnels.
And after a while of walking, they heard the sound of fighting.
Stiles felt his heart wrench.
That sounded like Hayley.
Scott stopped Stiles from running away.
They don't know what's around the corner.
They can't risk it.
Stiles didn't care about that. He needed to find Hayley. That's what mattered right now.
It's all that mattered.
All that mattered was finding Hayley and apoligizing.
Apoligizing for what he said to her. Because he felt terrible about what had happened and he should never have said those things. Never.
Yet he had.
He had hurt her feelings.
'You don't understand! I have to get to her!'
'I have to get to her!'
Stiles pulled free from Scott's grip and ran towards the sound. That's all that he could do.
Yes he has no weapon.
But to him that doesn't matter. He only cares about getting to Hayley.
That's all.
Hayley Marshall's all that matters.

Eventually, the Hellhound came to help out, Allison's father and Grandfather showed up and Scott threw some type of cane at Parrish and the Hellhound killed the Beast. Saving Liam's friend and ending it once and for all.

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