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As the hat yelled Slytherine I let out my breath. I knew I wanted this house going into it. I stand up a little taller as I walk to the Slytherine table. I take a seat next to Scorpius at he hugs me tight and messes up my hair. I push him off but he kicks me in the leg.

"Your horrible," I say.

"Not everyone can be super nice like Cepheus you know," he says back.

"I know, have you met dad," I say.

"He's not that bad. Just quirky," says Scorpius.

"Yah, your right," I say.

We finish up dinner and the prefects lead us towards our dorm.

My dorm was in the dungeon. I step in and I become enchanted with it. The ceiling are high and made of stone. There is a giant fire place on the left wall with black leather couches surrounding it. At the far end is a table with its if chairs and a chandelier hanging above it. On the right wall there are two door ways. I learned that one goes to the girls dorms and the other goes to the guys dorm.

The girl prefect Kaila leads the first year girls into our dorm room.

The room is big with multiple window showing out into under the lake. On each side there are three beds with a small pond in the center. Each bed had a night stand and off to the side was a door into our bathroom with the closet to store our stuff.

Our trunks were already on our beds. The room glowed of green. I find my trunk and sit down on my bed.

I pull out my wand and inspect it. It was black with purple laced through it. I stare at it in admiration.

"Hi," I hear a perky voice say

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"Hi," I hear a perky voice say.

I look up and see a black girl with her hand extended in my direction.

"Hi," I say back shaking her hand.

"I don't really have anything to say I just did have any friends to talk to. I'm not very good at this making friends thing am I?" She asks.

"No but I'm not very good either," I say.

"Josie Zabini," she says.

"Um Lyra Malfoy," I say.

"Crap a malfoy!" She says.

Yep there's the usual reaction I get from people. I sigh and roll my eyes.

"I guess that's a annoying. My pureblood name isn't too respected. More than some but.." says Josie.

"Yah, everyone loves the use of being a malfoy," I say.

"What's it like to have a family that respected?" Asks Josie.

"Horrible. I'm not even a pureblood but I'm being raised as one. Etiquette classes and fancy dress. Nice parties. It sound nice until your living it," I say.

"Yah my mom never really liked it and my dad really just died anything to make her happy," says Josie.

"I guess since your pureblood your mom was too. Who's she?" I ask.

"Luna Zabini or she was Luna lovegood," says Josie.

"My mom mentioned a lovegood before, so has uncle Harry," I say.

"Like Harry Potter?" She asks.

"Yah," I say.

"Awesome," she says.

The Malfoy Girl (Secret Child of Bellatrix Lestrange sequel)Where stories live. Discover now