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I watch Cepheus walk off towards Clara. He extends his hand to her and they disappeared into the crowd moments later.

I turn back and see Albus walking my way. I freeze up a bit bit take a breath and get ready.

"Hi Lyra," he says.

"Wow," says Scorpius.

"Hey dude," Albus  says.

"Hey," Scorpius mumbles.

I hit him a little. This isn't his night with Albus, it's mine.

Albus reaches his hand out to me and a hesitate but end up grabbing it. He leads me through the crowd and into an empty corner.

I look firm realizing we're still holding hands. He must have noticed what I was looking at because he lets out a bit of a laugh before pulling his hand away. I laugh a second with him wishing he hadn't pulled away.

I catch Cepheus gaze. He gives me a quirky smile before I shoo him off. He goes back to Clara.

"Sorry Cepheus is just..." I say.

"It fine. I know James I probably stalking me from somewhere," he says.

"Yah brothers are weird," I say.

He nods and chuckles a little.

"I mean like I know your a brother but um....." I say trying to think of something.

"Yah I- um....." he responds.

How did things get this weird. I shift my stance and run my hand in my dress.

"Why are we being so awkward i mean we've known each other for ever," he says.

"I- yah I'm mean we've been friends forever," I say back.

"Friends?" He says a bit disheartened.

"I um- I guess I assumed we were friends," I say.

Did he not think we're friends.

He reaches for my hands again and I move mine towards him. I grab his hands I look him in his eyes.

He turns towards the dance floor as a slower song comes on.

"Do you want to.." he says gesturing towards the dance floor.

I nod my head as he leads me out into the sea of people.

The Malfoy Girl (Secret Child of Bellatrix Lestrange sequel)Where stories live. Discover now