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Dear Albus,
I would love to go to the party with you. See you then. -Lyra

I call my owl and give him the letter I watch him fly into the distance beginning to regret my decision.

I look back at the dress still laying across my couch. I walk to it and lift it up. For some reason it looked more beautiful than before.

I hear a knock the door. I get up and open the door to my dad standing there with a crate.

"Are we going to use these fireworks or not?" My dad asks

"Hell Yah!" I say.

We run into the back yard and begin to set up. I look behind me to see my mom standing there watching us. I never know if she's keeping and eye on me or dad.

"Draco, be careful," she yells.

"I will," dad assures.

He sets one up and takes out his wand.

"Incendo," my dad says

The think shoots into the air letting off burst of colors. One after another they fly into the sky. We finish off the box and it's about 8:00.

"Are you two coming in dinner?" My mom asks.

"Go on in, I'll join in a minute," my dad says.

I get up and run into the house. I stop for a second to see my parents standing together. My dad wrapped my mom in his arms. They were having a conversation but I couldn't tell what about.

I wondered if I'd ever get that. The marriage and just another person. Nor even Albus specifically, just someone. Hopefully Albus though. The party would be a step in the right direction.

I run into the dining room and take a seat next to Cepheus.

"Where's mom and dad?" He asks.

"Outside picking up the fireworks mess," I say.

"I still can't believe you two out fireworks without me," Scorpius mumbles.

"You didn't have to go dress shopping," I say.

"Fine," he mumbles.

Mom and dad walk in smiling. They sit down at the table as our house elves bring in dinner. We are for a second under awkward silence.

"I guess you three aren't excited for the Christmas party?" My dad asks.

"Meh, same old same old," says Cepheus.

"I don't even know if I have a date yet," says Scorpius.

"Who'd you ask," asks my mother.

"Rose," he shrugs.

I didn't know he had a thing for her. Maybe he doesn't and just needs a date. A long as two of us don't have a date we just stick close to one another but I after I got Albus he'll need someone to hang out with. I had owled Josie telling her the news. I felt bad now having a date and not being able to spend it all with here but I assume in the end I'll still spend some with her plus she was as excited as I was.

"I'm personally excited," I say.

"Of course you are," Scorpius says moving his eyebrows up and down.

"Hold on Lyra did HE ask you," asks Cepheus.

I knew Cepheus meant Albus. The only people who seemed to not know was my parents.

"Yah,"I say blushing.

"Who?" My dad asks.

My mom puts her hand in his trying to convince him not to be to overprotective.

"Albus Potter," I whisper.

I look at my brothers both smiling at me with a stupid "haha you have to talk about it" grin. My dad sits up with a smile on his face too. My mom nods her head like she understands.

We continue dinner without much talking. I head up to my room afterwards when I see my owl perched on my dresser. He has a letter. I rip it open eager to see what he says.

Can't wait to see you    -Albus potter

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