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I board the train to head back to school sliding into my compartment. I sit next to Carson. Clara hadn't showed up yet so it was just the two of us.

"How was your party?" He asks.

"Just about as good as I've told you before. Boring and too long," I say.

"Wow I would really think it would be fun," he says.

"It wasn't that bad," I hear a voice say.

I turn to see Clara standing in the doorway. She slips into the seat next to Carson.

"I mean you looked good and it was better with a friend but maybe it's worse because I've been going to these since I was born," I say.

"I guess that makes a difference," she says.

I see Emily walk past our compartment. Her blonde hair was pulled up into a bun. I must have been staring because Clara proceeds to wave her hand in front of my face.

"Do you have crush on her?" Clara asks.

"I um yah," I admit.

"Can I be honest?" She asks.

I get scared about where this conversation was going.

"Um sure," I say.

"She almost positively gay," she says bluntly. 

I feel my mouth drop open.

"How-how would you know?" I ask.

I kind the answer but I was hoping she was playing with me.

"I'm um maybe sorta gay," she admits.

"I knew it!" Carson say loudly.

She turns to him and hits him.

"Do you like her?" I ask.

I was scared to hear the answer. Her face turns a dark shade of red and pink. My mother falls open again. My heart feels twisted and I don't know what to do.

"Are you ok?" She asks putting her hand on top of mine.

I look at Carson and he look uncomfortable and fidgety.

"I- um I guess," I stutter.

"Ok," she says.

The rest of the ride is silent.

Btw I update the first chapter with pictures of characters so check every once in a while to see updates.

The Malfoy Girl (Secret Child of Bellatrix Lestrange sequel)Where stories live. Discover now