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"Ok are you now siding with Scorpius?" I ask.

"Kind of, I mean let's just see what happens and if it gets out of hand we tell an adult," say Lyra.

"No, what, why?" I say.

"Come on the worst that can happen is we get in trouble for not telling them from the get go," says Scorpius.

"Well, I don't like getting in trouble," I plead.

People say I'm a bit of a suck up. Which is true.

"Get over it Cepheus," says Scorpius.

"You shut up," he says.

"Wow, I thought Hufflepuffs were the nice ones," says Lyra.

"We are, but not when stupid brothers piss us off," I say.

Scorpius makes a face at me so I punch him in the arm.

"Ok, calm down you two. Nothing might even happen. Or this could just be a stupid joke Scorpius is playing on us," Lyra says.

Actually that would me sense. Or one if his Slytherine friends are doing it.

"I swear it's no a joke!" Scorpius yells.

"What about like Albus?" I ask.

"He wouldn't!" Yells Lyra.

"Ew gross. You still have a crush on him," I say.

"Yes," Scorpius grumbles.

Lyra blushes a little. I let out a laugh and put my arm around her.

"Little sis has a cruuuuuush," I say.

"Stop it," she whines as she pushes me off her.

Scorpius and I start laughing. She give us both a small smack.

"Ok the consensus is to not tell mom right?" Lyra asks.

"Yah," I say reluctantly.

"We should go," says Lyra.

"Bye guys," I say as they turn.

I head back to the hufflepuff common room.

Our common room is a circular shape. It's a light yellow with wood supports and beams on the ceiling. We have a small fire place on the far end with brown leather couches and green bean bags surrounding it. There is a small square table in the center and off to the side is a smaller table with potted plants on it.

"How were your siblings?" Clara asks.

"Lyra was good but Scorpius was a idiot," I say.

"So nothing different," she says.

"Yah, pretty much," I say.

The Malfoy Girl (Secret Child of Bellatrix Lestrange sequel)Where stories live. Discover now