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The groups of people around us was exhilarating. His hands were at my waist where they were supposed to be. I took my stance as I'd been taught as a kid. My hand rested on his shoulders.

We move to the song right in beat every time. For some reason I laugh a little and he returns it. I smile at him.

I begin to realize how unafraid I am. There was a time I would have been freaking out but this felt so natural.

The song fades out and I feel a ping of sadness as it goes.

"Want to go explore?" I ask.

He looks at me confused.

"Like let's leave the party. We have a whole mansion let's just leave," I say.

"Wow you really, really don't like these parties do you?," he says shrugging.

"Not at all," I say.

We rush out the exit trying to not get seen. I lead us into the living room and we sit down on the ground.

"Now what?" He asks.

"I don't know I just wanted out," I reply.

"For someone rich you sure complain a lot," he says.

I let out a snort. I put my had and front if my face and blush at the noise.

"It was cute," he says.

I quickly look away trying to hide the intense blushing I know that's on my face. He said something I did was cute.

I look back up at him and he's smiling. He reaches for my hand again and our fingers clasp together resting on the carpeted floor. I feel a chill go through my whole body. I look up at him and he's looking at me intensively. He realizes I was looking at him and he turns away.

Here we go bring awkward again. My hand was still in his as I scoot closer to him. He looks up again at me and smiles. He scoots in next to me and puts his arm around my shoulder.

"You two need to get back to the party soon," I hear a familiar voice say from behind me.

I turn and see James potter stand against a pillar.

"But seriously Albus mom was looking for you," he says.

Albus let's out a groan removing his arm from my shoulder but keeping his hand in mine.

"It fine let's go back," I say getting up.

Our hands stay interlocked as we walk back through the corridors into the ballroom.

The Malfoy Girl (Secret Child of Bellatrix Lestrange sequel)Where stories live. Discover now