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The rest of transfiguration moved along but my brain stayed at my though. The woman wasn't a perfect match but her face looks like my mom and her eyes. I guess if she's family she in my moms side.

I briefly hear the teacher dismiss us so I get up and rush to the library to do some research on the bellatrix woman.

I slip into the library and see Sidney sitting at a table.

"Hi, can I sit there?" I ask pointing to the seat across from her.

"Sure," she says.

I sit my stuff dune next to her and quickly go to look for books on bellatrix. I realize I have no idea what to look for. I walk back to Sidney in defeat.

"I don't know what I'm looking for," I say with a sigh.

"Oh? Then why were you looking for it?" She asks.

"Um just a woman it's nothing," I say.

"Ok, I know you well enough to know it's not nothing," she says.

I hated that she knew me that well. I don't know if should tell her, I mean what if she tells an adult.

"I um had this dream and there was this woman who claimed to be my family and I just wanted to find out more," I say purposely leaving out her name.

"Wow that was not at all what I was expecting. I thought it would be like ab Albus thing or something," she says.

"No but I did go to out Christmas party with him!" I say.

"I saw you. I was tempted to come up to you and say something," she says with a laugh.

"Kind of glad you didn't," I say with a smile.

"So it went good?" She asks

"Yah," I sigh.

My mind goes back to that night. The way his hands felt in mind and when we danced together.

"Hey I gotta go good to catch up. Good luck finding your person," she says getting up.

"Bye," I say.

I'm now alone in the library and I go back to searching the catalog. Maybe I can ask mom? She doesn't have to know anymore than that. I check the clock and realize I have to get to my next period so I sprint back to my common room and grab my textbooks and head to potions.

The Malfoy Girl (Secret Child of Bellatrix Lestrange sequel)Where stories live. Discover now