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I woke up to the sound of Josie's owl screeching.

"Ugh, why does that bird have to be so loud!" I complain.

"She can't help," she says.

"I guess," I sigh trying to roll back over.

"Get up anyways,it's like noon already," she says.

"It's Saturday, just let me sleep," I moan.

"No," she says as she hits me with a pillow.

"Ok fine I'm up," I say.

I notice a letter on my desk with the seal BDL on it like the first one. I speedily get up and throw my clothes on about to head out the door to find my brothers.

"Wow, that was fast," Josie compliments.

"Thanks now I have to go find my brothers," I say quickly clutching the letter in my fist.

I knock on Scorpius's door but he doesn't answer. Great! I'll have to searching for him. I continue to look when I run into Cepheus in the great hall with Clara.

I rush in and come at his side. I must have scared him because he jumps a little.

"I got another letter from the BDL person," I whisper.

He looks up at me concerned but nods his head. He puts out his palm showing me he wants it. I reluctantly hand it to him as he rips it open. I look up and see Clara giving a weird look.

"Hey Clara," I say.

Clara pauses for a second like she's inspecting me.

"Hey Lyra," she says finally.

I force a smile and shrug my shoulders but then I continue to look over Cepheus's shoulder to read the letter.

Dear Malfoy Kids,

I'm here to inform you will all be reviving packages from me. Consider them an early Christmas gift. Once again please don't inform your parents of these items. I believe these will help you with certain endeavors you've been after. I do plan to write again.

Sincerely BDL

"I seriously don't like this," says Cepheus.

"Yah, it's just getting weird now," I say.

"Has Scorpius seen this?" He asks.

"No, he's not in the common room or his dorm and I just happened to find you first," I say.

"I'm going to keep the letter," he says, "we can talk about this after dinner."

I nod and get up waving bye to him and Clara who now looks concerned.

I leave the dinning hall when I bump into someone. I turn and see Albus. His hair slicked back slightly. I feel my breath hitch.

"Um hi Lyra, have you seen Scorpius?" He asks.

"No, actually I was looking for him earlier. I assumed he was with you," I say.

"Yah, he's not," says Albus.

"I- ok Um if I see him I'll tell him your looking for Him," say with a dorky laugh.

"Cool," he says rubbing the back of his neck and looking at the floor.

"Im going to-" I begin.

"Yah of course," he says moving out of my way.

I walk away quickly scolding myself about that conversation. Get it together Lyra. I let out a huff and continue walking.

I reach my common room and see Josie playing with her owl.

"Why are you blushing so much?" She asks concerned.

"Um," I say trying to think of an excuse.

"YOU HAVE A CRUSH!"she tells,

"Shhhhhh," I say.

"Ok who, spill. the. tea," she says separating each words.

"I- um I-," I stutter.

"Seriously who," she pleads.

"Potter," I mumble.

"Which one?" She asks amused.

"Um, Albus," I sigh.

She lets out an ear piercing squeal. I cover my ears and tell her to hush.

"Sorry," she mumbles with an excited grin on her face.

"Never tell anyone," I demand.

"Of course not, lips sealed," she says.

The Malfoy Girl (Secret Child of Bellatrix Lestrange sequel)Where stories live. Discover now