Draco (dad)

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I was standing with the potters and the weaslys. I've learned to like them to an extent.

"Albus and Lyra together remind me of us," says Harry.

"Yah except Albus has a chance," says Lexi.

I laugh at that remembering her telling me constantly that Harry could like her but she wouldn't like him.

"Wow, I didn't even have a slight chance?" He asks.

I look at her amused. I'm married to her but if she answers this question wrong I'm getting a divorce. But not really I love her too much.

"Not even a chance. I broke up with Draco and my rebound was Jacob. Sorry," she says shrugging.

"Good answer," I say kissing her on the cheek.

"By the way Congratulations on your promotion Harry," she says.

"Thanks, and same to you," Harry says back.

Lexi had recently taken Harry's job as head auror whilst Harry got promoted to head of magical law enforcement.

"Is Hugo excited to start school next year?" Ginny asks.

"All he can talk about," says Hermione.

"He's a smart kid like his mom," says Ron.

"No doubt," I say.

Lexi smile at me, proud I'm being nice to her not so pureblood friends.

I look around the room admiring the lights and the guests. I catch Cepheus and Clara together wandering the room. I briefly see Scorpius with the Weasley girl strolling through the crowd holding hands. My eyes finally make their way to Lyra holding hands with Albus. She smiling at him. It's the happiest I've ever seen her at one of our parties.

She's ambitious and never liked sitting through the parties and galas making small talk.

My eyes go back to Lexi. I move my hand into hers and she smiles without looking at me. A slower song comes on and Ron grab Hermione and they begin to slow dance. Harry and Ginny soon follow. Lexi looks at me and arches her eyebrows.

I extend my hand to her and she grasps it. I place my hands at her waist and we dance. The world fades away with every step. It's been so long since I've danced with her and it was a bit of a weight off my shoulder.

The Malfoy Girl (Secret Child of Bellatrix Lestrange sequel)Where stories live. Discover now