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I step into the greenhouse and get hit with the smell of fertilizer right away. I scrunch my nose a little. I look at Josie and she seems to be doing the same.

"Come in, I know it stinks. The fifth years we're working with a particularly disgusting plant," says professor longbottom.

We all hesitantly walk in and take our places around the table.

"Today we'll be planting mandrakes. Their scream can kill you but since these are so young you would only pass out," say professor.

He passes around earmuffs as we secure them on our head. We watch as he pulls out the plant. It lets out a screech as we all hold our earmuffs closer to our ears. He plops the plant down in the pot next to it. He throws some dirt over it quickly engulfing in. The scream fades out.

"Now you all," he says.

I pull mine out as the scream pierced my ear. I let it go into the pot and put the dirt over top.

The screams soon subside. We pull off our earmuffs and put them back into the bin. I begin to head out when professor longbottom stops me.

"Hi  Miss Malfoy I just want you to tell your mother hi for me. Old Gryphindor friends," he explains.

"I will professor Longbottom," I say waving bye.

I leave and catch up with Josie walking up the path back to the castle.

"What did professor want?" Asks Josie.

"Just a family friend of my parents," I say.

"Ah, like usually," she says.

"Yah, now I need to go pack to go home for Christmas. I'll see you at my parents stupid Christmas party right?" I ask.

I had my dad invite them. My dad had been friends with Josie's dad as kids. And my mom was kind of a friend with Luna.

"Wouldn't miss it," she says.

"In the end you'll wish you had," I say.

The Malfoy Girl (Secret Child of Bellatrix Lestrange sequel)Where stories live. Discover now