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I'm in the living room sitting next to Scorpius. In a few moments some of our friends will be here. If I remember correctly it's just going to be Josie, Sidney, Clara, Carson, and Albus.

The door creaks open and the group walks in. Josie runs up to me first wrapping me in a hug.

"You scared me to death," she says.

Sidney walks up a gives me a hug next.

"I hate you so much right now," she says with a smile.

"Sorry," I say with a shrug.

I look at Albus talking with Scorpius and Clara and Carson sharing a awkward laugh with Cepheus.

For at least another hour we continue our conversations. Josie had to leave earlier so it was just me and Sidney.

I look up and see Albus walking my way.

"Lyra, can we talk?" Asks Albus.

"Uh sure," I say.

I sit for a second.

"Like alone?" He asks.

"Oh yah of course," I say getting up.

I head out into the hallway with him.

"I missed you so much," he starts.

I was a little startled at first. He grabs my hand again. My breath stops for a second.

"I missed you too," I say.

He takes a step closer and I smile telling him it's ok. I lean and he leans in too until we kiss. We hold for a minute before leaning back out of it.

I laugh a little and he laughs too. I didn't know what to do now. I guess he did because he clasps my hand again and lead me back into the room.

I sit down on the couch with his hand still in mine. Scorpius is on one side of him and on the other side of me is Sidney.

I first look at Sidney and she moves her eyebrows up and down. I shoo her off with my hands then turn my attention to Scorpius. He smile then says:

"Finally you two just started dating. It's only been like 8 years now. I don't know how much longer I could take with you two being awkward," he yells.

"You knew we liked each others?" I yell.

"Well..." he trails off.

"Dude you never told us?" Albus says.

"I chose to let you guys find it out on your own and you did," he says.

He wasn't wrong.

Our parents walk in and my mom glanced at Albus and I's hands locked together. She smiles broadly.

Cepheus walks over to me and grabs my arm. He pulls me onto a hug lifting me off the ground. Scorpius comes over and a hugs me from behind. I laugh a little and look at Albus. He gives me a thumbs up and I lay my head into Cepheus's chest.

The Malfoy Girl (Secret Child of Bellatrix Lestrange sequel)Where stories live. Discover now