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I look at the snake peacefully lying on the grass. I'm out by the lake just watching the sun glisten off it.

"Hi," I mumble to the snake.

"Hi," it hisses back.

I sigh a little. I remember when I thought it was so cool to be able to do that. But it does become boring especially when your whole family can do it. Well except for my dad. Everyone else seems to think it's amazing though.

"How's your day?" I ask it.

"Meh," it says.

"Same buddy," I say.

I've never loved Halloween and something today felt more off than usual. I'd been jumpy today as well. My guard was almost always up today. I could just be paranoid.

"There you are," I hear Albus say.

I turn around in the rock I was sitting on to face him.

"Whats up. Where have you been all day," I say.

"I don't know. I've been talking to this snake for a minute," I say.

"Oh, why?" He asks.

"Why not! I'm awesome," the snake says.

"Yah, you are," I say in parstletounge.

I look at Albus with his head cocked. He looks at the snake and laughs a little.

"I don't know why not talk to him," I say smiling.

"Ok," he says.

"Why have you been so weird today?" Albus asks.

"I don't know something just feels weird today," I say.

"I know you don't like Halloween but this is a tad extreme," he says.

"No this is different," I say.

He shrugs and I stand up off my rock.

"Hey your sister was looking for you by the way," Albus says.

"She was?" I say confused.

She never needs me unless she needs help with homework or needs money. Judging from the fact that I already helped with homework yesterday I'm going to say money.

"What'd she need?" I ask.

"I don't know?" He admits.

"I guess I'll go find her," I say.

The Malfoy Girl (Secret Child of Bellatrix Lestrange sequel)Where stories live. Discover now