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I watch her standing in the doorway. She looked like she did in my dream. Cepheus stands up ready to punch her. Scorpius still couldn't really get up yet so I stayed on the floor with him.

"Calm down sweat heart," she says.

I feel Scorpius tense up besides me. Her voice seems to have that effect.

"What- who are you?" Ask Cepheus angrily.

"Oh right I should introduce myself. I'm your grandmother," she says.

Cepheus takes a step back and sit next to me. He puts his arm around as she gets closer.

"I'm here to help you. I want to reshape the world. I know all of you have some... reasons you want to change the world," she says.

We all look at each other trying to figure out what she means.

"I'll save you the time and just inform you all. Cepheus you wish you weren't a hufflepuff. The rest of your family being on some of the most famous houses," she says.

Scorpius looks at Cepheus with worry. I thought he loved hufflepuff.

"Scorpius you always feel out of place with your siblings. They make you feel dumb," she says.

I take a look Scorpius and he looks at the ground.

"And you Lyra you wish you didn't have to live so... femininely per say. Your brothers get to run around and be free but you have to be proper and always ready for parties or events," she says

The worst part was it's true. I do always envy my brother. They get to be care free and reckless while I'm going dress shopping and getting my hair done.

"Just something to think about. Oh and please enjoy your stay," she says turning and leaving the room.

"Well I feel exposed," say Scorpius with a stupid grin.

"Do you really feel dumb around us?" I ask.

"I mean kind of. You two always seem to take each other's side. My ideas always seem dumb to you two," he says.

"I'm sorry," says Cepheus.

"What about you Cepheus do you really not like hufflepuff?" Asks Scorpius.

"I- no it not that I don't like it, it's just look at you two and dad your all in Slytherine. Then mom isn't in Slytherine but she's still in one of the most popular houses. I'm just... the bottom of the barrel," he says.

"No your not. Hufflepuff are more loyal than Slytherines will ever be. We can be jerks at times too, but not you guys. We lose so many house points for cheating, stealing, and being mean," I say.

"Seriously your house is awesome," says Scorpius,

"I guess. What about Lyra?" Asks Cepheus.

Both of my brothers look to me.

"Ok so maybe I am a little over this girly front I have to put up. I just want to be reckless and stupid. I don't like dress shopping or makeup" I say frustrated.

"You think we can't tell that much?" Asks Cepheus.

Was I really that obvious?

"We're not blind. There's just not much we can do. Beside dad normally comps for your dress shopping that mom has you do. You know how many times at least I wished that I could use fireworks or burn something with dad," say Scorpius.

"I guess but it just I hate trying to keep up the "princess" act," I say.

"Like I said we can tell," say Cepheus.

My brother scoot in close to me and gives me a hug. I hug them back this has been a long night. Or day maybe, I can't tell.

"Well we learned way to much about each other today. I need a nap," says Scorpius.

"You took like an hour long nap that had us all scared to death," say Cepheus.

"That doesn't count," say Scorpius.

"I think Scorpius is right," I say looking at him. He has a broad smile on, "I want a nap."

"You had a nap too. I haven't," Cepheus says.

"Then take one dummy," I say.

He lays down on the floor followed by me and Scorpius. I shift uncomfortably. I feel Scorpius put his arm around my shoulders. I scoot in closer to Cepheus and he grasps my hand. I let out a breath before falling asleep.

The Malfoy Girl (Secret Child of Bellatrix Lestrange sequel)Where stories live. Discover now