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The party had ended and the guests had all left. I was in my room with the boys situated on my couch.

"So how was your date?" Asks Cepheus a tad condescending.

I roll my eyes and wave my hands at him.

"I was informed you and him snuck away. What were you two doing?" Asks Scorpius lifting his eyebrows.

"Eeww gross don't say that!" I complain.

I reach behind me trying to loosen my corset. I couldn't get my arms to reach it correctly though.

"Can one on you loosen the corset?" I ask.

Cepheus gets up and carefully unties it and unstrings it.

"Thanks," I say heading into my closet to get out of the dress.

I slip off the dress and corset and replace it with a oversized T-shirt and some black shorts.

"Oh my god that's so much better!" I say.

I look at my brothers. They had both undone their ties and Scorpius unbuttoned some of the bottoms on his shirt.

"How was your date?" I ask Scorpius.

"She was good. I really liked her dress," he says.

"Ooooooooooooooooo," Cepheus and I say in unison.

"What I-" he begins.

"You so have a crush and I should know. I've had a crush on the same guy for like 6-7 years now," I say.

"I don't!" He protests.

"You so do!" Says Cepheus.

"Be quiet, you don't have a crush. Right?" Says Scorpius.

Cepheus takes a quick breath in and looks at the floor. I can see the blush forming in his face.

Scorpius shrugs being oblivious.

"I'm going to my room. See you all tomorrow," Scorpius says.

He gets up and leaves the room. I quickly turn to Cepheus.

"Ok who's your crush," I say eagerly.

"What? I don't- I- what no," he stutters.

I roll my eyes realizing he's such a bad liar.

"It's not Clara right?" I ask.

I would be surprised if it was. They were always close but they never seemed to be the type to date. Also I'm only like 67% sure she's into girls.

"No, not her. It's a um ravenclaw girl," he admits.

"Sidney?" I ask.

"No Um I don't think you know her," he says.

"Just tell me. Stop beating around the bush," I say.

"Ok it's- her name is Emily," he says.

I feel like I've seen her before. I think she's in Cepheus's year as well. Sidney has introduced me to some raven claws but not her I don't think.

"What does she look like?" I ask curious about my big brothers crush.

"She has long blonde hair and different colored eyes. One is blue and one is brown. She had a quirky smile that makes my heart flutter." He says in a sighy voice.

I think I gagged a little at how he talked about her but then I thought I might talk about Albus the same way.

"Thanks did tell me. Now get out of my room," I say giving he a kiss on the forehead then pulling him up off my couch.

"Yah ok bye," he says leaving my room.

I go to my bed and fall back onto it. I curl up into a ball and drift off to sleep.

The Malfoy Girl (Secret Child of Bellatrix Lestrange sequel)Where stories live. Discover now